It started after I did the Forsworn quest and escaped from prison in Markarth. After that I killed somebody for the Dark Brotherhood quest line, a guard saw it and came running. I just wanted to pay my bounty and be on my way, but this was not an option. The only dialogue options were going to prison or fighting. Suddenly, going to prison was also not an option. The guard kept telling me that I was going to spend the rest of my days inside the prison, but I never went to prison. After he stopped talking, another guard would speak to me and give me the same options, over and over and over and over.... you get my point.
Also, while I am a member of the Thieves guild, I cannot pay of my crimes in that way, so now I cannot enter Markarth without killing more guards and cannot enter dialogue with other NPC because the guards will just kill me while I am talking....
Can anyone help me?