Huge list of tips and tricks

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:27 pm

I posted this a few days ago on gamefaqs, and got a lot of really good tips in addition to the ones I posted.

so I thought I would gather them all together, and post them over here too for everyone on here to see

(this was made for the PS3)

***warning, some of this may contain spoilers***


1) After you add something to the favorites menu, press up on the d-pad to open the favorites menu. Highlight something in there, and hold left or right on the d-pad. Now you can simply press left or right on the d-pad and equip it without going into the favorites menu

2) If you tell your follower to pick something up by talking to them and saying “I need you to do something” this doesn’t count against their weight limit. So if you tell them to pick something up in this way, they can carry as much as you want. Pretty useful in the dwemer ruins as all that stuff is very heavy

3) By doing the thieves guild quest line, you recover the skeleton key. You are supposed to turn it in at the end of the quest, but you don’t get much for actually turning it in. so you can smply keep the skeleton key and can get into those pesky master chests with no problems

4) By increasing stamina, you increase the amount of weight you can carry

5) The initial choice at the beginning of the game about who to follow is trivial and doesn’t really matter

6) Dragons will only land if there is a spot big enough for them to land

7) There are carriages outside of the major cities that can take you to another major city. So if you are trying to go to a major city that you haven’t discovered yet, you can use the carriage and save yourself the 20 minutes of walking

8) You can get a dog follower from the guy outside of markarth

9) The forsworn conspiracy quest in markarth is very, very buggy. So make an extra save before getting too far into the quest because you might need to go back to it due a bug

10) If you train from somebody, you can pick pocket your money back

11) After you do the grey beards quest to return the horn, you can talk to them again and they will tell you the location of word walls

12) The best source of ebony that I’ve found is the gloombound mines, which are located southeast of windhelm

13) Putting baskets on people’s heads breaks their line of sight, allowing you to steal right in front of them without getting caught. This is somewhat cheap, but it’s a good way to get potions from shopkeepers

14) To get better spells, you have to level up that specific spell tree. For example, to get better conjuration spells, you have to level conjuration up to like level 40 to get the next set of spells. Once you reach level 40 in conjuration the people who sell conjuration spells will magically get better spells to buy.

15) If you use a dragon shout inside of a major town, you will usually get a message from the courier that tells you the location of another word wall

16) You can become a werewolf by doing the companions quest line

17) If people respond to you by saying ‘you look ill’ or something along those lines, open the menu by pressing circle, choose magic, and go down to the bottom to ‘active effects’. This will tell you if you have a disease.

18) Don’t kill chickens

19) Try to buy a house as soon as you can. Buying a house gives you an empty chest (that you own) which can store all your stuff. If you just put stuff in random cupboards and things like that, your stuff could disappear

20) While in 3rd person mode, you can hold the right stick down, and adjust the zoom by using the left stick

21) Conjured weapons (bound sword, bound bow, etc.) are affected by the conjured perk tree AND the specific weapon tree. For example, the bound sword is affected by the conjuration perk tree AND the 1 handed weapons perk tree

22) Your followers can die and here is how it works. If a follower drops to one knee, that means their health has reached zero. While they are on one knee, all enemies will stop attacking them and will come after you. If an enemy tries to attack you, they could hit the follower by mistake which will kill them (if they are on one knee). If the follower doesn’t get hit for a few seconds while on one knee, they will get back no problem. You can also kill a follower if you hit them while they are on one knee

23) Doing the thieves guild quest line will give you a few vendors who will buy stolen items

24) Don’t sell enchanted weapons and armor. Take them to enchantment table and choose disenchant. This destroys the enchanted item, but it lets you learn that spell so you can enchant things with that spell.

25) A soul gem has a soul in it if there is something in parenthesis next to that item in your inventory. It will say something like (common) or (petty) etc. meaning that soul gem has a soul in it

26) Making iron daggers is a good way to grind your blacksmith skill up as they are cheap. You can also use these daggers at an enchantment table to grind your enchantment skill (and this is also an easy way to make money)

27) After you buy a house, talk to the steward again to purchase stuff for your house (spare rooms, tables, etc.)

28) (posted by Hanzou74) Do the quest to gather all the barenziah stones as soon as you can. The perk it gives you, Prowler's profit, *greatly* increases the amount of gems you find. I just found 93 in one dungeon crawl, many of them flawless. Sell em, keep em, use em for quests or crafting.

29) (posted by V_V_L_B) the transmute spell is an easy way to make money, as it turns iron to silver, and silver to gold

30) If you hold down X on an item, you can move it around without adding it to your inventory. This is useful for stealing certain items, as you can simply move it to a place where nobody can see, and steal it there without getting caught

31) You need the amulet of mara to marry somebody. To get it you need to find the ‘monk’ at the inn in Rifton. If he is not there he is in the temple of mara (I think this is the name of the temple, it is also in Riton) Once you have the amulet (and are wearing it), you can talk to an NPC and they will say something about the amulet

32) If you own a horse, you can fast travel while riding it even when you are over burdened

33) (posted by TrenchcoatFlash) it is easy to tell which draugers will attack you because they will be wearing clothes or armor.

34) (posted by TrenchcoatFlash) your sneak skill increases by large amounts when you sneak critical hit successfully. Draugers are great for this

35) (posted by Iwantedzero) Using soul gems to recharge magic weapons increases your enchanting

36) (posted by Iwantedzero) A good way to get arrows early on is to find soldiers training with a bow and arrow, and simply take the arrows they shoot into the target

37) (posted by 3_iverson_3) if you acciently or unknowingly capture a soul that is inadequate to the sould gem it’s in (petty sould in common soul gem, etc.) you can simply drop that gem from you inventory to make it an empty soul gem again

38) (posted by random_man9119) arrows don’t weight anything, so you might as well keep them in the inventory because it isn’t weighing you down

39) (posted by Beck225) if you have a follower that can train you, you can take your money back after training with them by talking to them, choosing ‘I need to trade items with you’ and simply taking your gold back

40) (posted by WolfGrey) Wards need to be cast before the spell or whatever hits you, as long you are using the correct ward

41) (posted by WolfGrey) if you get the perk for bound weapons to steal souls, it will steal souls from ALL enemies it kills (as long as you kill the enemy with the bound weapon)

42) (posted by klerpizza) Giants won’t attack you until provoked

43) (posted by WolfGrey) if you conjure a flame familiar and have it explode, people standing nearby won’t attack you

44) (posted by Beck225) When you go to mine something, you can equip the pickaxe and simply ‘attack’ the ore by hitting R1 (and L1 if you have two pickaxes equipped). This is much faster

45) (posted by SamHayden) when you level up and you choose either health, magic, or stamina, if you are low on health this will instantly give you full health. You can also save these (by not going into the leveling up screen) and use it later for when you are fighting an enemy and about to die. Simply go to the leveling up screen, choose one of the three you want to level up, and it will give you full health

46) (posted by boxer_shanx)
a. the muffle spell can be spammed to raise your illusion (even when an enemy isn’t nearby)
b. if you give your companion a torch, they will use it at night
c. your horse can climb mountains that you can’t on foot
d. the lover stone improves all skill 15% faster. The best for fast leveling multiple skills
e. if a mage has a ward to block damage, shoot a fireball at the ground near their feet and it will do full damage

47) (posted by syetactic) you can get companions to unlock master chests using only 1 lockpick

48) (posted by Alzine)
a. You can use arrows to distract the enemy when hidden
b. You can eat ingredients to discover their first use in alchemy
c. Try to read the books, some give you quests or level you up, or simply tell you things to watch out for that you might not have known
d. If you do missions for people, you often ‘befriend’ them, allowing you take their things without it being considered stealing
e. Don’t forget to look underwater, sometimes there are chests underwater
f. Very few creatures will follow you or attack you when you are in water, even if you are fighting them they will stop when you go into water

I didn’t include everything there as this has gotten somewhat long, but I took what I thought were the main ones. Please feel free to add your own tips, tricks, or things you wish you knew when you first started!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:11 pm

Protip: shoot the cyberdemon until it dies. These "tips" are about as useful or hard to figure out on yourself as that one.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:11 am

some of it is pretty obvious, but a lot are really useful.

i've seen a lot of things about the skeleton key, using left or d-pad, why dragons won't land, etc.

no reason to reply if you didn't find it helpful
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:38 am

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 pm

Protip: shoot the cyberdemon until it dies. These "tips" are about as useful or hard to figure out on yourself as that one.

Not everyone who plays this game is a "pro." This is a very helpful thread and even I learned a couple things so take your tolling back to the WoW forums and out of our TES community.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:35 am

awesome list, but I think this thread should actually go
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:42 pm

Thanks, some of these I didnt know!
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:25 am

awesome list, but I think this thread should actually go

yea your right, it should go there.

but since this board has so much more activity i thought it might help more people and get more use here
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:03 pm

I'ts nice you put sometime into trying to help others put most of these tips are about as obvious as "loss of blood or vital organs is the enemies main weakness".
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:17 am

I'ts nice you put sometime into trying to help others put most of these tips are about as obvious as "loss of blood or vital organs is the enemies main weakness".

lol some of them are obvious, but they were meant mainly for new players who know nothing yet.

i've seen a ton of posts on other boards from people who just started saying things like 'how do i buy better spells' or 'how do soul gems work' etc.

so those are mainly for the very new people, but if you can get past the 'beginning player' tips there are some others that are pretty helpful
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