You'll fight them at level 30 too, your point is what exactly? They are the easiest of the bonewalkers. They were easy at level 1, they are easy at level 50, seems like appropriate scaling to me.
Yes the lower level people and creatures still appear and that is a good thing. We do not need to revert back to the horrid Oblivion leveling.
You will face until lvl 30. , Nord province , Nord undead.
They are faced past level thirt which is a ggod thing.
I thought Draugr would have changed to greater versions much sooner, after all they are level 1.
So level scaling is pretty slow in fact. That's what I wanted to know. Thanks.
The level scaling is a lot more toned down than in Oblivion. Its a lot better but it still seems like when I walk in an area I can pretty much say what will be there based off my level. It does not to be a little bit more unpredictable.