There is no recognition that the civil war is over and that Ulfric is rebuilding Skyrim. There is barely recognition that my character is a wood elf except the occasional rude comment and another wood elf in Windhelm that says he'd like to get to know her better but he's not even available to marry or as a companion. I love the open world and the environment but there are just too many loose ends. It's like what you do doesn't have an impact on the people either way and there are no benefits to being a thane in a city. I mean a thane has power and is respected but once you become a thane, that's it. Why bother? I know it's been said, but I've spent over 100 hrs in the game and I'm just puzzled as to why Bethesda left this all out along with all the other things they left out like companions not being able to ride horses. In Oblivion when you do something for an npc, they always recognize it and thank you every time they see you. In Skyrim it's forgotten the next minute. I guess I'm going to put it away and play New Vegas which has a great story so I'm told.
I mean, I've already completed the thieves guild and there is no follow up, no one recognizes that she's the next in line to be the guild leader and is a nightingale. I'm left with an empty want more feeling. Impact. I want to see impact. I want my thane to be able to make it better for the elves in Windhelm even if she has to do it with her own septims but there is none of this in the game.
I know others have said the same, but I have to say I'm disappointed. I did get my money's worth though. That's a good thing.