Ha I really get it OP.
A couple of things have changed and a few have stayed the same.
Stuff that is the same. You know all this I guess.
You cant do it alone!
At the start of every character spending a wee bit of gold on summoned allies is a great way to even the odds. Those
sum of beeches have backup why shouldnt you. The wolf is great to build up your stats and the flame attronach is really effective as a fighting buddy. Also break up the group, run like hell and return to sneak kill those nasties.
When you are weak sneaking, magic, sniping ranged attacks are very effective. When you get a bit higher blocking and shield bashing combined with blades is good. You can practice blocking on crabs, also up your armor by letting them have at you and running and healing in between will build, armor, blocking, restoration and if you use the stone skin your alteration will go up to boot.
Big enemies have an area, run to the edge of it and let them have it!
Use rocks, you can jump.
In Skyrim nothing spawns behind you so clear the way instead of sneaking past to give you a retreat when it is needed.
When you backstab, just before you backstab, save.
Stuff that has changed.
Running away is awful. You have to pull the camera around like it weights 1000 tons and your retreat will be slow. Camera rock that is probably supposed to add to the drama is awkward. To run is less easy but still worth it.
Combat is strange. Instead of doing less damage with a strike you will actually miss your target with a messy spastic move. Charging and using a power attack will mean you miss and swipe air while your enemy smacks the hell out of you from behind. You don't miss a bit either, it is usually by a country mile!
Running from a dragon even if you are in time will result in you getting the scripted animation chew session, and the spit out/ ragdoll bye bye. You will have to anticipate a lot more.
No walking backwards and swiping at a tough enemy to build your stats. Back walk has slowed to a snail pace.
Jumping on rocks and swiping at a tough enemy to build your stats wont work because the beast will hide so you cant spam it.
Running on level ground from saber tooths wont work, they will get you with their lunges.
Jumping through Skyrim to gain the incredible Spanish jumping flea ability wont work, it isnt there, Instead there are increases in skills that will make you less oafish, I think.
Luring enemies through closed doors and into the open where they are easier to fight wont work as they wont follow you unless you dont want it.
Outlandishly tough enemies with enormous HP and incredible 'damage to you' stats have been chucked into the mix. In the beginning dont go toe to toe with an orc they will single shot you. Likewise regardless of your stats there will be characters (usually at the end of a crawl) that sidestep your backstabs, detect your sneak and will not go down. I know this because I have images of myself screaming RUN at my alter ego with all the veins standing out on my neck often enough.
That is the mark of a good game

Also if I didnt want the changes I could just keep playing Oblivion, but I did that already.