Perk: "Conjuration Dual Casting" = description "Dual casting a Conjuration spell overcharges the effects into a longer lasting version"
Without [Perk: "Conjuration Dual Casting"]:
- 1 hand casting - normal casting animation - 1 min duration - normal cost of spell (acording to description of spell)
- 2 hand casting - normal casting animation in both hand - 1 min duration - DOUBLE cost of spell
WITH [Perk: "Conjuration Dual Casting"]:
- 1 hand casting - normal casting animation - 1 min duration - normal cost of spell
- 2 hand casting - one big animation when casting (nice!) - 135 sec duration (so not x2) - more than double cost. It's either x2.83 or maybe x2 +50 (x2 +50 seems more likely)
I expected that 1 hand casting would be the same with and without the dual casting perk. Tests confirm this
2 hand casting without dual casting perk costs double, but doesn't seem to do anything
So has anyone else more information about this? I can't see that the Atronach is stronger when dual casting (with & without dual casting perk)