What was your character's origin story, and how has it shape

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:53 am

What happened to your character leading up to the opening sequence? How much did you intend for it to guide your actions in-game, and how faithful to that original plan have you been? What choices have you made as a result of your origin, and why?

My character is an escaped gladiator from the imperial Arena (Spartacus style, baby.) who took part in a small revolt. Many imperials died, and he split off from the others to return to him homeland. To avoid too much suspicion, he ditched any combat equipment and tried passing for a farmer when he got captured.
The imperial captain wanted him dead for having killed a soldier while being arrested.
He was cut off from the outside world for a very long time. Now, seeing his kinsmen fighting back against the imperial occupation, he's joined the Stormcloaks.

As a gladiator, the character is very headstrong, stubborn, and egotistical. So he never backs down from a quest or challenge of any form. I've avoided the thieves guild for obvious reasons, and the dark brotherhood because they murder unarmed civilians, which is dishonorable. Oh, and the mage college is for old men and girls. :bolt:

My choice of equipment is light armor, plus a shield and whatever one-handed weapon suits the fight at hand. The only weapon spec I've taken so far is for the mace armor penetration, but I usually stick with a sword. I never use bows or magic, which has made the dragon encounters rather difficult... Especially considering a gladiator would never run and hide.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:37 pm

Doesn't take place before being captured my bad, lets see... He had heard that the Imperial City in Cyrodill was quite the sight to see, and that the arena there was a bloody adventure, just what he loves. He planned to stay for a few days, as he loved his new home of Skyrim. He ended up staying for a month, captured in the differences between Skyrim and Cyrodill, upon his return, he found Nords in all blue armor battling against a group of Imperial Legion soldiers, whom he had just became acquainted with, he tried walking by the skirmish, but somehow got caught up in another battle just a few feet away from the first one he saw, he was forced to run through to try and fight his way back, during which he cut just above his right eye. Somehow the Imperials believed he was a "Storm Cloak" soldier. He was being led to a place called "Helgen", for his execution...

My characters name is Bromethious, he's a Khajiit and pure Assassin. He is upset about how his fellow Khajiit are being treated by the Empire. He traveled to Whiterun, just to find them sitting outside the gates in tents, where the only source of heat is a fire in the middle of the camp. Bromethious swore to them they would not live like this forever. After his attempted execution and now this, Bromethious is planning to travel to Windhelm, to join with the Storm Cloaks. To Brom, their are no rules and nobody tells him what to do or how to do it, with the exception of those who earn his respect, which is not easily earned. Brom still hasn't accepted the fact that dragons are actually returning, and that he has something to do with their return.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:55 pm

Seeing as my bosmer, Raven, is fleeing from Thalmor rule into Empire controlled lands, where she actually feels safe, (taking a wrong turn somewhere around Skingrad, and ending up in Skyrim), I'd say she is, what with killing every Stormcloak she finds, and every Thalmor she finds, the former especially, after reading Ulfric's Dossier. Not much more to it than that.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:44 pm

Just made this up an hour ago here it is:

My characters name is Bromethious, he's a Khajiit and pure Assassin. He is upset about how his fellow Khajiit are being treated by the Empire. He traveled to Whiterun, just to find them sitting outside the gates in tents, where the only source of heat is a fire in the middle of the camp. Bromethious swore to them they would not live like this forever. After his attempted execution and now this, Bromethious is planning to travel to Windhelm, to join with the Storm Cloaks. To Brom, their are no rules and nobody tells him what to do or how to do it, with the exception of those who earn his respect, which is not easily earned. Brom still hasn't accepted the fact that dragons are actually returning, and that he has something to do with their return.
I would have figured to Stormcloaks to be racist to Kajiit, Is the empire really worse? Or maybe the Stormcloaks were only racist to elves.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:11 am

I stay true the character, but who that character is can evolve over time.

My Imperial was raised by Nords (and is of mixed ancestry) and he came to Skyrim to find out for himself where his loyalties lay.
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:19 am

I would have figured to Stormcloaks to be racist to Kajiit, Is the empire really worse? Or maybe the Stormcloaks were only racist to elves.

Well seeing as Jarl Balgruff is an Imperial supporter, or at least being forced to be an Imperial supporter, it was under his jurisdiction that the Kahjiit stay outside the gates. Bromethious didn't need anymore information about either side after that, he knew his battle was against the Imperials.
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John Moore
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:43 am

My character doesn't really have a backstory, so to speak; he has what he is, and I've kept faithful to that. He's not a full nord, that's for sure; he's got too much magical ability, and his appearance is too court-like to be pure native nord. He has an air of arrogance to him, and he tends to see himself as above the other around him, which is why he doesn't care about them, whether he's defending them, resurrecting them, or eating them. On the other hand, he's not always chaotic evil, either; he will sometimes do good things, not because he feels like doing something good, but just because normal people's limited vernacular is so limited that he sometimes feels its easier to just go along with them than to bother going a different way.

Oh, and he likes keeping secrets. Never have used The Voice in combat with an enemy that is going to walk away. At least, not alive.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:34 pm

Mine isn't all that interesting, but what the fudge.

Avon Arvel grew up in Morrowind with his family before the Oblivion Crisis. His parents were murdered, and he fled with his sister. They arrived in Imperial City. Avon, always being gifted in the art of thievery, took to pickpocketing and burglary. His sister developed a skooma addiction, and Avon began taking riskier jobs to pay her debts. Eventually, he messed up and was arrested.

After not too long in prison, he was released by the Emperor himself. His sister had been killed by the skooma dealers however, and so Avon was left with nothing. He honed his skills of thieving, and eventually became a member of the Guild. Oh yeah, and he put a stop to what could have been the end of life as we know it.

Avon spent his years in Bruma, among the Nords. He often clashed with the Imperial guards there, due to being a well-known thief. As he was the Champion of Cyrodiil, this gave him more power over the guards, who had to grudgingly look the other way most of the time. He became the head of the Thieves Guild, as well as joining up with the Fighters and Mages, never progressing too far. He gave up the position to Armand Christophe however, as being the Guild member didn't suit his lifestyle.

After the eruption of Red Mountain and the invasion of Morrowind, Avon considered going home. He decided against it, instead going to Anvil. There, he took up the life of the bandit. Any Argonians he suspected were going to take ship to Morrowind were hunted down and slain. Avon considered himself at war, and felt no conscience as he killed many of them.

Avon retired from his short life of banditry when Morrowind was confirmed to have been conquered. He went back to Bruma and lived the rest of his life. One day however, he got an urge to go North, to the land of Skyrim, where he heard rumours of a Civil War brewing.

Despite being a thief, Avon is quite honourable. He does not side with the Dark Brotherhood or murder innocents. Being a Dunmer however, he is naturally cunning and deceiving, and ruthless if the situation calls for it. Most of the time though, he is kind and doesn't mind the odd drink...
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:00 pm

Mine isn't all that interesting, but what the fudge.

Avon Arvel grew up in Morrowind with his family before the Oblivion Crisis. His parents were murdered, and he fled with his sister. They arrived in Imperial City. Avon, always being gifted in the art of thievery, took to pickpocketing and burglary. His sister developed a skooma addiction, and Avon began taking riskier jobs to pay her debts. Eventually, he messed up and was arrested.

After not too long in prison, he was released by the Emperor himself. His sister had been killed by the skooma dealers however, and so Avon was left with nothing. He honed his skills of thieving, and eventually became a member of the Guild. Oh yeah, and he put a stop to what could have been the end of life as we know it.

Avon spent his years in Bruma, among the Nords. He often clashed with the Imperial guards there, due to being a well-known thief. As he was the Champion of Cyrodiil, this gave him more power over the guards, who had to grudgingly look the other way most of the time. He became the head of the Thieves Guild, as well as joining up with the Fighters and Mages, never progressing too far. He gave up the position to Armand Christophe however, as being the Guild member didn't suit his lifestyle.

After the eruption of Red Mountain and the invasion of Morrowind, Avon considered going home. He decided against it, instead going to Anvil. There, he took up the life of the bandit. Any Argonians he suspected were going to take ship to Morrowind were hunted down and slain. Avon considered himself at war, and felt no conscience as he killed many of them.

Avon retired from his short life of banditry when Morrowind was confirmed to have been conquered. He went back to Bruma and lived the rest of his life. One day however, he got an urge to go North, to the land of Skyrim, where he heard rumours of a Civil War brewing.

Despite being a thief, Avon is quite honourable. He does not side with the Dark Brotherhood or murder innocents. Being a Dunmer however, he is naturally cunning and deceiving, and ruthless if the situation calls for it. Most of the time though, he is kind and doesn't mind the odd drink...
He's over 200 years old? Which race lives that long? I thought they all had human-esque lifespans.
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:38 pm

He's over 200 years old? Which race lives that long? I thought they all had human-esque lifespans.

No, Dunmers live well into their hundreds (I think?).
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:40 am

mine wasn't quite as interesting as others

i just said i was like jason bourn and had amnesia lol

worked well for me since i have never played TES before, so i knew nothing coming in haha
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:55 pm

No, Dunmers live well into their hundreds (I think?).
I can't find anything on the wiki's about it, which is strange.

Hey, lore people! One of you tell us!
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:50 pm

Let's see...

Manius grew up in Cyrodiil with one of the Royal Scholars for the Emperor as his mother (An Imperial) and a former treasure hunter as his father (A Nord). He also had Octavia as a baby sister. Both were Talos worshipers and after the Thalmor invasion, they rebelled constantly in secret, undermining the Thalmor goals by constantly interfering with them through middlemen.

At a young age, he was groomed to be a noble, like his mother, and a respected person throughout the province of Cyrodiil. Manius socialized very little with the outside world beyond their estate just outside of Bruma and really never had any true friends except a few people near Bruma and his sister. At an early age, he was taught by a noble instructor to use a sword. He was also trained by his mother to master the two schools she specialized in. Destruction and Restoration. Manius had some affinity with fire and ice for the former and mastered the healing arts for the latter.

Manius took after his father however and desired something more than the constant wave of books, his swordsmanship instructions, and his very sheltered social life. He never got the opportunity. Both of his parents were killed because of their worship of Talos and undermining Thalmor goals. The family noble status was stripped away and his riches were confiscated. Although Manius was to be killed, he fled with his sister to a small farming village on the roads near Chorrol. The Thalmor soon gave up the chase, believing it to be not worth their time.

The village had a nasty bandit problem but with Manius' skills with a sword and magic, the bandits learned to stray away from the village. He was the village scholar for a time being but quit after his sister fell deathly ill. Manius studied several texts on diseases and learned a few alchemic potions along the way. Soon, he was able to heal his sister to full health. From then on, Manius devoted a large portion of his life to magic and healing.

Manius left the village at age 27 to lead his life as a student of the magical arts and gave care of Octavia to a local bartender that cared for them since they got there. He soon found out about a Civil War and other strange sightings in Skyrim, along with a very interesting group called the Companions. Manius left for Skyrim after sending a letter to Octavia, who was training to become a Bard. While crossing the border, to be safer from potential hazards, Manius followed the Stormcloaks, not realizing they were traitors to the Empire. He was caught and then SKYRIM begins.
Manius is quiet, strong willed, and a "get things done" kind of person. He is an honorable person who won't cheat to get his way but will allow his skills to speak for himself. Manius doesn't boast with his words but does boast with his skills and will not hesitate to demonstrate his full potential. He doesn't believe in good or evil but rather whatever benefits him and his friends.

He's loyal to his allies and friends but has a deep rooted hatred of the Thalmor. Manius purposefully chases after the Thalmor for retribution. He doesn't believe in forgiveness but retribution...which resulted in the creation of his main code of law: "I will give as much as I took".

Manius is the Harbinger of the Companions because of his sword fighting abilities and honed them very sharply from the Companions' help. He refuses to progress further in the College of Winterhold as Manius believes true power from magic can only come from learning for yourself.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:18 am

my character was born fully grown in the back of a cart on the way to his execution. After being able to decide what he looked like, he blindly did everything any npc told him to do without once being able to say something like "wait...I just met you, why would i ever go into the stronghold of a daedric prince?" unfortunately he didnt know that dead is dead, and is no longer with us.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:11 pm

my character doesn't have an origin story I could think of all the cool stuff I wanted for the character but it would be rather pointless for me because none of it would come up in the game
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City Swagga
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:29 am

My character fell and hit her head and is in a coma having a bad nightmare in which people keep repeating themselves to her and bratty children are always making her want to thrash them about and her magic fails her as its too weak to kill rodents....If only she could wake up back in Oblivion where she had great magic and the children were out of sight and out of mind.
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