First, seriously, I love you Bethesda, I really do. Which is why I am so confused about the Necromancer's Amulet. The Necromancer's Amulet is a legendary thing. It is something whispered about in the shadows. Stories of its power strike fear into the common people. It has been around since Arena!
Arena! So, imagine my dismay, when after spending over 100 hours hunting it down in Skyrim (Well, I was looking for other stuff, too. :thumbsup:), and finally finding the quest which leads to it, that it turned out to be a pile of garbage far inferior to something I could make with enchanting? Not only this, but (without spoilers) the particular quest to obtain it has multiple endings, and paths, only one of which leads to the amulet (Some call these bugs, but I think the delicate series of events are appropriate). How could something so difficult to obtain be absolutely impotent? This artifact, which had been in SO many previous Elder Scrolls games, and routinely been the best item an aspiring mage could wear around his neck, was now a trivial trinket. WHAT. THE. HELL?
Seriously Bethesda. Please. Buff the Necromancer's Amulet with a truly unique enchantment that remains desirable even to one with a high enchanting skill. At the risk of continuing this hyperbole, it's a joke and not worth the time and effort required to obtain it.
It is simply not befitting of such an historically significant title.