Firstly- spells are too distracting. You cant see past them. Fire spells are the worst offenders in my opinions but then again- Maybe they are supposed to be like that. Another less debateable spell is the ward spell. You just can't see what you are doing.
Secondly we have lighting. Lighting made a few parts of oblivion beautifull you know.. like the aylied ruins. Anyway nearly every light in the game is white or orange. Lights don't really guide the player well in skyrim and the lack of variety assists in the third problem
Colour in the game. Stones are grey and snow is white. Most of the otherland is brown but some is green. Firstly Armour is greyish too so characters dont stand out whatsoever against the grey. Furniture is grey. The game needs more contrast in colour. It doesnt even have black. The lighting in most caves makes the caves grey. So whilst bethesda has made each area unique they are still mostly grey. Snow is meant to be white i know.. but realy snow isnt done greatly. The college of winterhold always has snow in and it doesn't even need to be like that!! on the other end of the spectrum non of the lower parts of skyrim have snow on them ever. The overall effect of less colours makes the player less attentive towards the environment (too much having the same effect)