» Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:49 pm
Some companion quests are triggered by the same side quests. the Stands the Grass, Whitewash and Repconn facilities/quests are key to at least 3 potential companions, and there are others too. In some cases, you only get one trigger per quest/location, some you get multiple triggers so you can go back with a different one.
So, as you are picking your mix, keep this in mind.
Now, the thing to remember is, you don't need to do the companion quests to have a companion. The companion quests just add depth and back story to the game but are not necessary to using a companion. I never did any of the companion quests, other than the ones to get them, in the first two playthroughs. This time through I am trying to do all the companion quests this play through and it is a bit tougher to pick and choose which companion to have along so I get all the needed points.