Spellmaking. Mark, Recall, Levitate (potion plus spell), Open, Weakness to Magic, Cure Disease, Feather, more types of summons, Waterwalking. Being able to raise your running speed and jumping ability.
The corner mini map that you could resize by dragging the edges. Being able to put notes on the map like "Lichen plants here" or whatever. Spears. Being able to wear armor and clothing together. More armor and clothing types. More separate armor pieces. Motar and pestle for making potions while travelling. Seeing your toon when inventory is open. Dragging and dropping inventory items from inventory to toon or even in and out of containers. They never had but they should the ability to name saves and separate save files for each character.
Levitating made dungeons more interesting. Secret passages etc. just give bandit type characters ranged weapons to make it harder to abuse.
Also im adding to the list: more artifact iotems that arent tied to quests.
stop having different tiers of the same monster (Its cheesy). Example: wolf and ice wolf. Add more creatures, more mythical creatures preferably. OR if your going to make differant tiers of the same beast then at least make them a different color and size all together. The visual difference between a normal wolf and an ice wolf is not significant enough.
And as long as we are dreaming i would also like bethesda to drop the voice acting from their game and go back to text. Text allows for much more interesting dialog. It feels silly hearing the same voice over and over again from different people anyways.