Gameovercast podcast episode dedicated to Skyrim(Skyrim Ate

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:40 am

Episode 75 of the GameOvercast titled "Skyrim ate my life" is dedicated to Skyrim.
We talk all aspects of Skyrim (baring in mind we had to stop playing Skyrim to do the podcast, which was very very hard.....) including:
-The immense size of the World
-The story elements
-The Intimidating amount of Side Quests
-That [censored] Lydia
-The combat
-Ambient chuckle enducing pvssyr
-Awesome random anecdotal stories it produces
-The Classes
-How bloody awesomely addictive it is.....
-Everthing else including its disgusting longevity and the fact we all plan to start a new chars the moment we reach lvl 50 with our current chars....

We are in love with this game and it shows throughout the show, try as we might to stay unbiased.
F*&king Lydia....

Grab the ep from the site
Or from Itunes

Listen and enjoy, the podcast is actually fairly funny and laid back :).
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Michael Russ
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