How? Because I can place an argument that defends a feature?
You probably missed the part where I openly said they were smaller than Oblivion's. But the NPCs are more important, instead of being a different face with the same function and one dialogue option, at best. It's more streamlined, which may be good or bad. But it's Skyrim, not Cyrodiil. So there are going to be FAR less people from a logical standpoint.
But the cities are still VERY far from small.
You probably missed the part where I openly said they were smaller than Oblivion's. But the NPCs are more important, instead of being a different face with the same function and one dialogue option, at best. It's more streamlined, which may be good or bad. But it's Skyrim, not Cyrodiil. So there are going to be FAR less people from a logical standpoint.
But the cities are still VERY far from small.
Are you gonna be making the same argument when in TES VI we have "cities" consisting of 1 house with 5 residents, because all 5 have a short questline and serve different purposes? 1 blacksmith, 1 general goods, and 1 alchemy, and 2 random people with problems.
Skyrims cities are the most dissappointing thing ever, theres barely any buildings you can even break into. The jarl's halls are also very small, and the worst thing is, when I walk around the different "cities" I see LOTS of space that they could have used to make the cities, well.. CITIES.
Also gotta remember the "We merged armor and greaves to have more NPC's on the screen at once" and then ironically we get less NPC's in the cities than there ever was :facepalm: