Did they really claim bigger cities than oblivion?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:43 am

How? Because I can place an argument that defends a feature?

You probably missed the part where I openly said they were smaller than Oblivion's. But the NPCs are more important, instead of being a different face with the same function and one dialogue option, at best. It's more streamlined, which may be good or bad. But it's Skyrim, not Cyrodiil. So there are going to be FAR less people from a logical standpoint.

But the cities are still VERY far from small.

Are you gonna be making the same argument when in TES VI we have "cities" consisting of 1 house with 5 residents, because all 5 have a short questline and serve different purposes? 1 blacksmith, 1 general goods, and 1 alchemy, and 2 random people with problems.

Skyrims cities are the most dissappointing thing ever, theres barely any buildings you can even break into. The jarl's halls are also very small, and the worst thing is, when I walk around the different "cities" I see LOTS of space that they could have used to make the cities, well.. CITIES.

Also gotta remember the "We merged armor and greaves to have more NPC's on the screen at once" and then ironically we get less NPC's in the cities than there ever was :facepalm:
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kristy dunn
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:45 pm

the way i see it is, skyrim is a mountain terrain right? ... how many big cities do you know in the himalayas? none, the biggest is namchee bazzar which is prob as big as whiterun... it makes no sense to have massive towering cities in the mountain landscape, in oblivion it was more flat(ish) terrain and the centre of everything..

Would you expect massive london size cities in a harsh desert?

God, just read the lore... there cities are not this riddiculous. Saying the size of the cities is ok makes no sense, funny thing is modders will have doubled their size in a couple of months after the CK is released, and all of you who say size is fine and are playing the PC version will install it in no time.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:58 pm

Yeah too small not massive by any means, starting you at whiterun kinda throws the perspective out of what you might find out in the world which in sted is just the brown grey of depression lol, the open citys are gash too, the yarls sleep in shacks lol scabs. plus when your done questing with a city out of the ten house like 3-4 end up being empty or useless, just kills the city. All citys should have been walled imo if it means crap like dawnstar and falkreak, youd easily mistake them for the villages like riverwood.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:59 pm

the way i see it is, skyrim is a mountain terrain right? ... how many big cities do you know in the himalayas? none, the biggest is namchee bazzar which is prob as big as whiterun... it makes no sense to have massive towering cities in the mountain landscape, in oblivion it was more flat(ish) terrain and the centre of everything..

Would you expect massive london size cities in a harsh desert?

Well, in fairness, La Paz, Bolivia is a huge city, and by population is the highest city in the world by its size. But seriously, the argument against the sizes of the Holds are funny when all the naysayers offer is the scope of their side in that it's OK to have non-NPCs talking to you that mostly don't live anywhere as well.. They don't add in that most of the ruins, caves, and castles are all cut-n-paste renditions all looking the same, whereas those same areas in Skyrim are individually created. The fact is; They are two totally different games representing totally different themes, areas and cultures.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:42 pm

Maybe future DLC?

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Luis Reyma
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:32 am

Yeah what happened to "cities larger than the imperial city". Half or more than half of the "cities" in the game are small open villages with just 10 or so buildings. It's fine to have those, but I wanted full on, gigantic, epic cities. Huge walled cities, multiple districts, cities possible to get lost in. All the cities seem pretty small. The big ones in the game seem smaller than the small ones in Oblivion; but this is probably because the Oblivion ones all had a bunch of open space and Skyrim's cities are cramped full of buildings. There's only like three or four full sized cities, the rest are small villages. I mean I love this game but this is one of the only complaints I have.

It's funny though, because, had you played Daggerfall, you would have been disappointed with Morrowind. In this same thinking, had you played Morrowind, you would have been disappointed with Oblivion. Get the gist now? Considering your statements, I gather you've haven't played Morrowind or anything in the TES series earlier.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:53 pm

In my opinion Skyrim's "cities" with their copy/paste inns, small choice of shops, and absolutely tiny populations are what let the rest of the game down.

It's difficult for me not to look back at Oblivion's cities with envy, now that i've seen what Skyrim has to offer with regard to infrastructure.

Beth what happened? the rest of the game is just epic, but the cities oh dear, my only possible guess is that it is the dragon's fault, that to have a dragon fly around and attack cities and towns the size that Oblivion had would have just made for too much lag.

If so it was a poor swap, dragons are fun and all, but not as fun as decent sized cities and populations to explore in my humble opinion.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:19 am

Well, in fairness, La Paz, Bolivia is a huge city, and by population is the highest city in the world by its size. But seriously, the argument against the sizes of the Holds are funny when all the naysayers offer is the scope of their side in that it's OK to have non-NPCs talking to you that mostly don't live anywhere as well.. They don't add in that most of the ruins, caves, and castles are all cut-n-paste renditions all looking the same, whereas those same areas in Skyrim are individually created. The fact is; They are two totally different games representing totally different themes, areas and cultures.

i was talking about mountain terrain you know, snow blizzard etc.... granted La Paz is the highest by population, but its hardly your snow blizzard typical city is it?
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:46 am

God, just read the lore... there cities are not this riddiculous. Saying the size of the cities is ok makes no sense, funny thing is modders will have doubled their size in a couple of months after the CK is released, and all of you who say size is fine and are playing the PC version will install it in no time.

Well, I think the size is fine, and I'm not gonna download it.

But seriously, I agree that the "cities" are not really "cities" at all. At best they're called "towns" because they're certainly not big enough to be a city. Imperial City? Now THAT's a city. Whiterun? Windhelm? Towns.

They're "cities" because of lore, and we all know we can't count on lore for in game city size.

They do, however, have better atmosphere than the ones in Oblivion. The buildings are more packed (compare: Bravil and Riften), the townspeople are more varied, and they no longer talk about mundane stuff, but more like chatting with each other.

Oh, and children! And animals! Farm animals! Jesus, it's about time. I've always wondered whether the people of Cyrodiil are vegetarians, now I know the Nords are certainly not.

EDIT: By the way, I don't agree with people saying the... uh... "cities" are underpopulated. They are populated just fine. I can tell that Whiterun is a tad bit smaller than Bruma, but how many people have you seen on the streets of Bruma?
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:56 pm

ps assasins creed has huge cities
really huge cities

but can you talk to everyone? ask for a quest? Nope.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:33 am

I sure am glad that no Skyrim hold is as big as the Imperial City. That would really svck. Then again, I'd have liked Imperial City to be even bigger.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:24 pm

As soon as someone in any thread calls someone else a Fan Boy the thread should be closed and locked! Why does every thread have to become childish bickering. Drives me mad!
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:39 pm

i remember todd saying every city will be roughly the size of the imperial city :( oh well

I have now seen this referenced in this thread countless times, yet, not one has posted a link where Todd actually stated this. Until someone post a legitimate link to said claim, I call Bú?????t!
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:59 am

I cannot tell if they're actually bigger or not,but I sure think they're 10 times better.

It's not a matter of numbers really,it's how it feels.I must say that I'm disappointed in Dawnstar and Winterhold though.They are way too small,and dull.Winterhold was blown off,one could say but it doesn't seem like that either.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:16 am

They're supposed to be scaled, they could be 5 times as big and still be lore-friendly: the size is a design choice, not a matter of representing the lore... by that means Daggerfall's cities were absurdly big compared to the IC, right?
Lore-wise, they could have had 9 cities, but instead they decided to go for 5. Also, the game size being smaller than Oblivion is strange, games today are usually way bigger than 5 years ago.

That's not the way of it. Since open world RPGs have been put on console (starting with Morrowind), it has been the opposite. It is easier to make smaller data sizes programing for console in the past 10 years than has been for PC. The last game that was huge in scope, but still didn't use an open world system was Dragon Age: Origins. Those games, I am afraid, are of the past and will not return. By the way, there are nine Holds in Skyrim (what you call cities), not five. It's the same as Oblivion and Morrowind, to coincide with the Nine Divines. Sixe is of a matter of perspective and taste to be honest, when going with lore ans storyline.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:13 pm

i think you are confused there are 8 big citys like solitude winterhold or we its caled with the dark elf fringes of society all of these are about the same size as imperial city if not a little bigger and have no loeading screens unlike imperial city where each wing had its own loading screen there are also several small cities that are quite big think theres 25 all together probably half of those are a decent size if you had no loading screen in oblivions imp city wings would notice it takes same time jsut loading screen makes it seem bigger lol
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:11 pm

In lore wasn't the imperial city meant to have a population of 200,000+? However this would be absurd in any game especially TES...actually I bet assassins creed could manage it.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:00 pm

i think you are confused there are 8 big citys like solitude winterhold or we its caled with the dark elf fringes of society all of these are about the same size as imperial city if not a little bigger and have no loeading screens unlike imperial city where each wing had its own loading screen there are also several small cities that are quite big think theres 25 all together probably half of those are a decent size if you had no loading screen in oblivions imp city wings would notice it takes same time jsut loading screen makes it seem bigger lol

Good point. When I think about this discussion, most people complaining about the city sizes in Skyrim don't think outside of those sites. In Oblivion, how many towns are there? How may other places does one encounter where it has more than one house or building? I can't think of one to be honest outside of the one just outside of Cheydinhal (sp?) and the one where it is a Daedric quest. I have run into many many towns with multiple house in them outside of the 9 main Holds.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:30 am

Post limit.
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