» Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:59 pm
Here's a basic truth about this game: Power-leveling leads to misery.
Don't ask "How do I level up in sneak". Rather, ask "How do I a better job at sneaking?" Answering the second question and playing organically makes the first question moot, because the skill level takes care of itself. To that end, there have been a couple of good posts on the subject.
1. Approach targets slowly. Until you get the appropriate Muffle spell/effect/perk, the faster you move, the more likely you are to be discovered. For example, try sneaking up on a Hagraven or humanoid bosses at anything other than an absolute crawl (even at mid-range sneak levels) and you'll be eating fireballs and or hateful weapony death.
2. Take off some of your armor if you're sneaking around in an area where you can be easily detected. More armor = easier to detect.
3. Partial detection is not the same thing as full detection. If you hit something with a bow at distance (let's say you kill it), a nearby foe might become suspicious and come investigate the location where you took the shot. Move out of that place, even moving forward and to the side and hold still, and you'll find foes walk right past you to search the spot where you were crouched a few seconds earlier.
4. Mix some potions that make you better at sneaking in the short term (or that make you invisible). While you're at it, make a poison or two.
5. Darkness and dark spots in the dungeon are your friend. Bright spots, torches, light spells, and whatnot, are terribad for successful sneaking.