A Few Needed Things For Skyrim...

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:31 pm

"You are who you play" this is the designed theme of this Elder Scrolls known as Skyrim.
And it is as they say, but. When playing Skyrim I end up always useing the lockpicking,
speech craft, sneak, some sort of sword singel/two-handed and one of the armor skills...

Now don't get me wrong this new engian is great but a little more restriction would be
nice. For example: why not have done it this way the origal way of only geting seven
primary skills and some secondary skills and then the miner skills. With the primary
skills you would be able to go up to 100% and get as many perks as possible. For the
secondary skills you would not get any perks to use but you can reach 50% of the skill.
And for the miner skills left you would get no perks and can only get 25%...

I say this because it seems that I'm a locksmith all the time and for that skill I really
don't even need to use any perks and I'm sure most of the players can pick even
master locks with under 25 picks. as it is I have to place restricions on my self for
example: I have a Mage that can't use weapons except for summond this charater
is only magica...

Placing items in your home as static (won't move attached to object). would be nice as
I keep knocking things over and then I can't place half of them back where they belong
as the physics of the game make certian Items roll over upside down. So why, O why
didn't you guys (Devs.) do the samething you did with the book selves. Plus when I try to
drop something it drops to my right most of the time and when I try to place a item in my
house after picking it up off a floor it ends back on the floor in the same spot I droped it,
What the heck Bethesda?

Other then that I like the new game setup...
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