» Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:38 am
I just read a post on another thread that got locked about destruction magic falling off at higher levels that I wanted to reply to but I have to go so I am just going to hijack your thread with this random post real quick, that doesn't make sense because I copied and pasted it
I will try quickly answer your question though:: you should probably just dual wield magic if you want to play a pure mage, else specialize in a weapon plus armor and use different spells in your offhand as needed
A quick reply towards destruction - although I have not played a mage yet, I plan to eventually. I have heard about how destruction does not scale well past 40. During my first playthrough, I played a heavy armor warrior that picked locks, used conjuration to soul trap, alteration to buff for tough fights, archery, and dual wield. I was level 45 in no time. I made stacked gear, and everything was too easy. I restarted, and I am using only melee essential skills. After many hours in, I am still only level 20. I do not see how a Destruction and Conjuration mage could possibly reach level 40 if they only use their essential skills, unless they also max enchanting, alchemy, smithing, a weapon or block, and an armor skill. I know it is the opinion of many that we should not need to force limitations on ourselves while playing this game, but to be honest I find that roleplaying skill and equipment usage makes the game much, much more enjoyable, challenging, and overall better.
to reply to Muzzy quickly, since it happens to be in line with my copied post, i find that playing the second way is much, much better, and the loot + enemies are almost exactly the same , plus what is the use of all this loot.. once you have one of those weapons, which can be found as early as 20 in a big chest, you don't really need another, or that 200k saved up. During my current warrior play, I dont even buy or sell from shops, because I don't want to raise speech.