how about infected nanosuiters that went mad, remember when prophet had to kill himself otherwise the suit or something took control?
new locations - eg deserts antartica etc
special adaptable weapon or tool - whoops the nanosuit already is one
nomad! psycho!
power stuggle
different types of aliens for different climates, for example say in an icy place the are like hunters and more denser maps like buildings they ought to be like predators
alien weapons
much stronger nanosuit so it beats a spartan 2x, an add on that lets you have extra power at the price of being slower or something i dunno
badass weapons and bosses!
vehicles but good ones
it would be cool if you could hijack an alien skeleton from a possible experience of prophet if we play as alcatraz again...
loads of things to think about
make aliens that can talk or badass ones like predators who admire honor or something
if your energy gets fully depleated in armor mode make the suit flash like a flashbang or a small explosion to stun so you can make a get away
- new abilities that are awesome!