To much choice

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:42 pm

I'm sure there have been other topics similar to this one, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and have started over a new character already times.

My problem is that my character becomes a jack of all trades, things I like are:

- conjuration: bound weapons are really strong early mid game? They might fall of late game especially if you smith some yourself (haven't gotten that far) but I suppose by that time summons can be really handy.

- Bows and sneaking: I really like to be a ranger, but then come the problem that I like to fight close as well. + if you summon companions (wolves, deadra or atronach) you loose the sneak advantage because those morons reveal you somehow.

- Warrior: Like I already said I like to fight up close as well, early game I loved 2h because you could 1 hit people, but if I go for a ranger as well it would be best to stick with 1h right? An other question is shield or no shield?
I could go for 2h, 1h + shield or 1h + conjuration?

-Armor: last but not least I really loved light armor, played over 50h with light armor, so I was thinking to try out heavy armor especially that I like to switch to swords and stuff.
Do I really need heavy armor if I play 50% up front? Or is Light armor still the way to go because of sneaking and stuff?

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Luis Longoria
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:52 am

i think the trick lies in picking the perks appropriatly for the skills you intend to use long term.
My current priority for picking perks is as follows.
3.One hand
you could say that these are my major skills, and everything else is secondary and perks will be added to those when my primary ones are maxed. Its very possible to be a jack of all trades its just that the more trades you pick you have to spread the perks thinner.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:17 am

... if you summon companions (wolves, deadra or atronach) you loose the sneak advantage because those morons reveal you somehow.

Illusion has the Quiet Casting perk which is supposed to make all casting silent to others; maybe this would fix that? But of course that would mean putting effort into Illusion, which just adds to your complexity.

I chose an Imperial Ranger type w/light armor, bow and mace/shield, Restoration for healing, and its working well. Its only when I level using non-combat skills that I really get into trouble.

I conjure a familiar as a distraction every so often but that's it for other magic. I smith only the loot I get, so I can make some improvements to gear, but it keeps my smithing from wildly exceeding my weapon skill.

Very hard to decide, though, I agree. I have yet to put points into Light Armor because I still might want to switch to Heavy at some point. :)
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:13 am

My problem is that my character becomes a jack of all trades

How is that a problem?
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