Talk to Faendel in Riverwood, he’ll wait near the Wood Mill. He has a quest for you. Faendel is a male bosmer.
Complete the quest in Faendel’s favor — he’s in a love triangle with Sven. If you complete the quest in Sven’s favor, he’ll join you instead.
Faendel offers more benefits than Sven. He’s an archer, and can train your character in archery up to five times in exchange for gold.
Faendel, as a trainer, will take your gold when trained. But, if you have him as a follower, you can always enter his inventory. When you pay him to train you, just take your money back out of his inventory.
Faendel does not approve of criminal activity, and will side with guards against you if you attack them.
With him at your side you could probably destroy anyone - group. I have not yet played with him but does anyone know if all of these things i have posted are 100% confirmed???