» Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:50 am
This game has made a fantastic leap forward in the shield department, they really work how you would expect a shield to work, negating almost all damage you take while blocking. The sword and board style is a lot more rigorous on your stamina, as each block takes away a bit of stamina, and the very powerful and useful shield bash takes a decent amount of stamina to use as well so i would suggest dropping some level up points into stamina to keep you going for long fights.
But as far as difficulty its very good in master, a well timed shield bash can, stop enemy mages from casting, knock weapons out of enemies hands (talented ability) and my favorite thing, stop a dragon who is pelting you with fire/frost breath. A power bash from a shield is a 100% stagger on any opponent. also with elemental blocking and the shield from peryite the deadric prince (wont give away what it does if you havent found it yet) you will take almost no spell damage while blocking.