One of the guys who helped me with a quest issue is 58 years old so I’m wondering if there are many of us old-timers here playing this game? This is only the second RPG style game I’ve ever played. Guess it needed to have guns instead of Bows & Arrows, swords and magic spells.
Since I’m really old and remember seeing people play the original Nintendo 2600. I’m truly AMAZED at what goes on in this game. The graphics are pretty sweet and I just can’t comprehend all of the aspects that go into making a game of this magnitude!!! How VATS works in the game, the inventory system, the quests, the companions, the scale of the map, the NPC’s, invisible walls, crafting system and all of the other mechanics that go into this game. I’m totally overwhelmed as I think about everything that goes on in the game. I remember playing the original Zork on a Radio Shack PC back in 1981. I think it was a TRS80 and had to load games using a cassette tape. My oh my have things changed. I’m also amazed/thankful for the Wiki and all of the user guides you guys have posted in these forums.
I just recently bought a 360 so that I could play Forza on the console. Seems like racing games were designed to be played on a console and I’m thoroughly enjoying it though I don’t play very often anymore due to FO:NV. I just don’t know how you console gamers play a game like this. I’ve tried Fear 2 on the 360 but just can’t aim worth a crap. Guess you guys must use VATS more often than I do and/or you’ve grown up playing FPS on a console?
I’ve noticed that my companions Cass and ED-E get knocked unconscious but haven’t been killed. Hell, I haven’t even had to use a stimpack. Is this because I play on very easy? At my advanced age and with poor eyesight I figured I’d start on that difficulty level and maybe try normal on my 2nd playthrough.
I’ve also noticed that it’s tough being a “good” character. FO3 was very easy for me to pick sides. Of course I went and sided with the BOS. Just hoping I don’t need to pick sides between the NCR and the BOS. Hell I even had to become a drug mule in FO:NV to complete a quest. Luckily I didn’t receive bad Karma.
I love playing Black Jack and with Luck at 9 seem to do very well at the table in the Casino in Freeside. Better than I’ve ever done in RL anyways! Still haven’t tried playing caravan but I’ve been buying all the cards I come across but still don’t think I have 30, I think that’s how many I need.
Haven’t been to the Strip, I’m about 55 hours into the game and level 22 or so, as I’m avoiding what’s probably something to do with the main quest. Thankfully you guys on the forums have been kind enough to answer my questions and help me out. Without this forum, I’d doubt that my satisfaction with the game would be as high as it is.
I’m playing this on a PC which was pretty top of the line 3 years ago. Nvidia 8800GTX, AMD FX-62 dual-core at 2.8GHz and 4 Gig of DDR-800 memory. Now I’m just trying to justify the purchase of a new $2,000 rig with an AMD 6 core processor, an ATI 2GB graphics card (I think it’s like $599 on New Egg) and 8 Gig of Memory. So many choices as I try and “build” a new PC? Some memory doesn’t seem to like the new CPU I’m looking at and some motherboards don’t seem to support all of the components I’d like to throw into it. Just so much goes into all of the makings of a PC. While I’m thinking of it do you guys recommend anyone in particular to buy a PC from? I’ve only looked at Ibuypower which seems to either have very satisfied customers or customers which report major issues according to (one of the best sites I’ve found to help me with my online shopping.)
Lastly I just wanted to thank everyone here for making this the best forum community I’ve ever come across. The Counter-Strike community was pretty helpful back before it was Counter-Strike:Source but nothing like this community. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys and after trying FO3 and New Vegas I’m tempted to try Fallout 1 & 2 though I don’t know if they’d run with Vista? I think I read where these are “top down” games and I think I’ve played one before called Soldiers of Anarchy which was a top down game and I think it would be considered an RPG. I know there are emulator things out there to play old games but I doubt I could figure out how to install/configure them. So thanks to Bethesda, the moderators and the community members!!! Just can’t wait for the next installment in the series!!!