I love this game immensely! But if there's one thing that annoys me to no end is how my horse runs away after jumping off to kill something. I loathe looking for my horse ...
Could we have some kind of horse call/click/whistle that will bring your horse to you after an encounter? I play on an Xbox so my only hope would be an official DLC. Please Bethesda! Help us out ...
That, and the ability to strafe by people on horse back weilding a one handed sword. Hacking and slashing at them while you ride by. It would be handy for those pesky wolves.
This game definately needs one. I've gone through 4 horses cause they have ran off and I can't find them.....
I actually found one of my Riften horses near Windhelm. He ran away from a Dragon battle many days ago and I just came across him randomly while riding Blackmere. I killed him and moved on.
I love this game immensely! But if there's one thing that annoys me to no end is how my horse runs away after jumping off to kill something. I loathe looking for my horse ...
Could we have some kind of horse call/click/whistle that will bring your horse to you after an encounter? I play on an Xbox so my only hope would be an official DLC. Please Bethesda! Help us out ...
With regards to the horse, I would ask for the following;
- horse call - able to talk while mounted to a horse - attack while on a horse - fast mount and dismount on a horse
That should do the trick for me... :celebration:
Yep that would be awesome, just like how Nintendo did it in Zelda Twilight Princess, had a horse call and mounted combat where you can use your sword, bow and everything. It was awesome.
What I've noticed is that during a fight the horse only runs away a predetermined distance, so finding them is a matter of just searching your immediate surroundings, of course its very easy to miss spotting them in the rough terrain and thinking they went further, I'll agree a horse call would be nice as I don't like the fast travel option.
I love this game immensely! But if there's one thing that annoys me to no end is how my horse runs away after jumping off to kill something. I loathe looking for my horse ...
Could we have some kind of horse call/click/whistle that will bring your horse to you after an encounter? I play on an Xbox so my only hope would be an official DLC. Please Bethesda! Help us out ...
Get ShadowMere. I've never had this problem with him/her.
I love this game immensely! But if there's one thing that annoys me to no end is how my horse runs away after jumping off to kill something. I loathe looking for my horse ...
Could we have some kind of horse call/click/whistle that will bring your horse to you after an encounter? I play on an Xbox so my only hope would be an official DLC. Please Bethesda! Help us out ...
I'm with you on this one, i detest trying to find my horse every two minutes. So much so I've stopped using them. And like you I play on 360 so i can't mod anything. Please Bethesda it would make a massive difference as I'm now fed up waisting money on horses only to lose them 5 minutes later.
How about a shout? Sort of like what the Greybeards did to call you. After unlocking with a dragon soul, you would gain the ability to call your horse. You would look up at the sky and shout "PEPPERCORN!!!" (or whatever your horse's name is.
horses are cheap if you are relatively near your horse and fast travel it travels with you even if you arent mounted. if its not there when you fast travelled it has been killed by some wild animal or is very far from you.
my poor first horse is somewhere out there in teh wilderness and i hope hes still alive free running free with other pony like creatures. i have shadowmere though and well he/she is a damn tank and doesnt really run away much at all.