Elders Scrolls V - Ex Version

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:34 am

The VISION of future RPG


The combat in TES 5 is disappointing. Compare to Dragon Age 2, it feel more realistic, but much more boring, especially melee....
I would like to play combat like Street Fighter.
Okay, you sure will ask me how to play combat like street fighter in TES.. Cont Read..
Is so much boring that i just need to level up my combat skill and add on some perks to power up my combat. Once upgrade, just aim and then hit - hit - hit.....
Sorry, that doesnt sound interesting to me.
Why people enjoy playing DoTa, Street Fighter, FIFA, star craft....... We are actually developing playing skill in our hand and mind, but not the char inside the game.
U dont need skill to play TES, you just need a formula to level up your char, and then just repeating the aim-and-hit... so much boring..

What i want in TES X, buy spell book, skill book, learn key stroke, i want my char become stronger when i know how to effectively timing, precisely enter the key stroke..... every battle is a challenge!



Crafting is very important in Skyrim, it will make your char overpowered. i am fine with this.
But boring, ( not because it make me overpowered )
No random element, no surprise, you get what you craft.... boring...
and it was WAYYYYYYYYYY TOO easy to craft the godlike item in Skyrim..
My Prefer Version of Skyrim Crafting :
1. Some random outcome each crafting.
2. Soul not only different in size, some carry element effects. Especially i can trap Boss Soul for special effect.
3. A statistic for weapon ( how many enemy killed by this weapon... etc
4. customization for weapon and armor looks...
5. Weapon actually can level up after they kill monsters. ( not just fully developed after craft...)
6. Some extremely hard to brew permenant effect potion.
7. Player can trade their item online. See Diablo III ( player auction house..)



This is important. I dont feel this game got AI at all.
Even the simplest Game in PC history - The Chess, got AI, but SKYRIM? sorry, NO.

Is this AI???
they just sit in their cave and waiting you come to crush them?
they just waiting there forever to see you complete your quest?

Okay, some random assassin come to kill me sound a little promising...

The Real AI
come on, at least computer can come out a plan to crush you.
Even in WarCraft II (1996??), the AI know how to gather woods and gold, upgrade and hired more troop to launch attack....
I pissed of so many faction in Skyrim, but NONE of them do something agains me.....

those bandit dont upgrade? they dont call reinforcement? they dont have alliance?
come on, come trace my location, launch some serious ambush to me or what ever..... my LIFE IN SKYRIM ISSSSS SO DAMM Smooth, even i piss off so many guys...

Radiant AI? Warcraft II is better.



Bethesha : Skyrim Quest is Infinite. You can play Skyrim Forever....
Me : Skyrim Quest Repeat endlessly. I tired skipping those repetitive quest until i feel is time to leave skyrim.
Quest is not something must be given by NPC, or killing something.
Is there a way i can live in skyrim like The SIM? after i kill alduin
have a own blacksmith shop... alchemy store.. become a politician.... help skyrim to live better ( build the town, expand it... )

Dont SPAM me with GIANT Killing Contract, and you tell me i can play Skyrim forever.
Killing 68 giant every day???


Below are features i want to see in TES 10
Dialogue :

Sorry, no more PRE-SET player dialogue, we want to talk to every NPC Directly.
SEE : SiRi from iphone 4S


Story :

You tell me 2~3 different Ending = Open Ended / Non Linear RPG?
Sorry, That wasnt open end. Give me a world, i live my own story, even it lead to end of the world.
SEE : Heavy Rain from PS3


My review of current TES V : Skyrim
Game of the Year 2011.
Easily best out ME2 / DA2.
Edge out Witcher 2.

Thanks Bethesha for taking RPG to next level.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:07 pm

Chess is not the simplest game on the PC xD
And Skyrim DOES have an AI. It just does not do what you want it to do.
The AI is programmed to sit in the cave and, when you get close, attack (among other things). I think you have unrealistic expectations of computer AI's.

Comparing Skyrim AI to Warcraft II AI is no comparising at all, one has an RPG AI and the other has an RTS AI. Warcraft II AI doesn't have a day schedule (the orc I recruit doesn't go to sleep and doesn't eat or talk with his friends...THIS AI svckS!!!), and skyrim has got a day schedule but no resource gathering AI like warcraft.
It would be awesome if the skyrim AI did what you described, but I think Bethesda dit not implement it because they rather spend their time on other things. I think implementing the AI you described is very hard.

As for crafting: I would also like to see a bit more interesting crafting system. It is a bit predictable. Not to say it is no fun tough, I have plenty of fun with enchanting :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:29 am

Was I the only one who found this hard to understand?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:47 pm

neither Street Fighter nor Dota are Rpgs how do they apply to TES?
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:33 pm

The lengths people go to to troll...
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:54 am

OP has no idea of the difference between a fighting game, an RTS, and an RPG, and basically came up with a mess.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:48 am

I stopped reading after: "so much boring".
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:11 pm

OP has no idea of the difference between a fighting game, an RTS, and an RPG, and basically came up with a mess.

This. A game can't be a perfect everything at once.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:38 am


to EX-P ( do you mind if I call you that)
they tried..fable =/
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:39 am

Cool story bro.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:54 am

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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:50 am


to EX-P ( do you mind if I call you that)
they tried..fable =/

i enjoyed the first fable...
and the second one wasnt terrible...
but the third made me sad...
and peter molyneux's thing he did where hed
Hype a game then bash it when hyping the sequel
was stupid
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:30 pm

7. Player can trade their item online. See Diablo III ( player auction house..)


I lol'd hard at THIS.

Do you even know what you are talking about?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:53 am



OP is either trolling or really misguided...
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:57 pm


TES Auction house?

Do you know what the console is? Player.additem? >_>
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:57 pm

So you want Skyrim with Arkham Asylum style fighting... RTS AI for some reason... And better crafting.

The crafting I can agree with, that would be cool.
AI is AI it is going to act how it is told, the only major gripes I have with the current AI is pathing.
While a different fighting system would be cool in 3rd person... it would be pretty much the same as it is now in 1st, and you are just hitting different buttons at the same times anyhow, so I really do not think it would change combat much at all.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:53 pm

OP has no idea of the difference between a fighting game, an RTS, and an RPG, and basically came up with a mess.

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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:41 pm

The VISION of future RPG


The combat in TES 5 is disappointing. Compare to Dragon Age 2, it feel more realistic, but much more boring, especially melee....
I would like to play combat like Street Fighter.
Okay, you sure will ask me how to play combat like street fighter in TES.. Cont Read..
Is so much boring that i just need to level up my combat skill and add on some perks to power up my combat. Once upgrade, just aim and then hit - hit - hit.....
Sorry, that doesnt sound interesting to me.
Why people enjoy playing DoTa, Street Fighter, FIFA, star craft....... We are actually developing playing skill in our hand and mind, but not the char inside the game.
U dont need skill to play TES, you just need a formula to level up your char, and then just repeating the aim-and-hit... so much boring..

So, troll or just stupid?
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Nany Smith
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:13 am

Skyrim is not a competitive game.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:08 pm

Bring back Athleticism, Acrobatics and Hand to Hand skills and I'll be happy.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:57 am

And some weird ass game for the PS3. What... is that...?
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