Any pre made "mod list" instructions?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:42 pm

So i admit I'm a bit lazy(at least i would like to say lazy but it's more like time constrained as i wouldn't be asking if that wasn't the case), i remember the time it took for me to install Morrowind the way i wanted it... Just to have Morrowind (and Oblivion) decide it did not like my new PC a while back (the games worked fine on the prior PC just not my prior "new" PC, and no this is not the same one.)

I've played vanilla of both and various modded versions of Morrowind (never had much luck with Oblivion, my biggest problem is i have never had the time to re figure out all this modding stuff)

Are there any already ready mod kits or a list of mods with a step by step installing guide/load order? I'd love to jump into a new game experience without spending a week (or a month) downloading and testing to see what works and all one by one.

I'm visiting my brother (several states from home) and he has much more reliable and faster internet here and I'm not picky about the mod loadout - i would just like to change the play experience (significantly, i liked Morrowind's system more than oblivion as i don't care for the epic battles every time i find a goblin or zombie... /gripe) And I've long since learned by trying mods in Morrowind that i never thought i would like the experience of (vampire mods i mean you) that said mods gave me the most enjoyable play experience I've arguably had in any game. Doesn't matter if said mod set includes anything to change these factors, new game experience>trying to tweak out issues i already have with the game.

Anyway I'm running windows 7 with a Geforce GT 430 GFX card and 4 GB ram (although my brother has an upgrade for my ram... since he bought the wrong one for his and mine supports it -.-) if it makes any difference for settings or suggested mods.

If it's too much to ask just please point me in the right direction (or i could post the steps i take and someone could tell me if i "miss something" or "do something stupid" if it's okay)

Anyway feel free to post here or leave me a private message if you have any suggestions or questions.
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:08 am

A good (meant for n00bz) guide to installing some great overhauls
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:29 am

Are there any already ready mod kits or a list of mods with a step by step installing guide/load order? I'd love to jump into a new game experience without spending a week (or a month) downloading and testing to see what works and all one by one.

And yet, that is the best way, *by far*. For many, very good reasons. Seriously. You will actually save yourself time, effort and sanity, if you do bother to read readme files and current mod release thread OPs, check for compatibility, get to know Wrye Bash (e.g., via the Pictorial Guide over at the Nexus, and/or Tomlong's site, as linked in the previous post), test mods are working properly once you've installed them, and just generally use logic and common sense, where required.*

Oh, and by the way, it needn't take anywhere near that long. It only will if you insist on going absolutely crazy with mods - you know, hundreds of them, all over the place; change for sake of change, etc. :no:

* Plus, that way, you will be able to help yourself, if/when it comes to that, rather than always needing to ask others to do the thinking, reading and sorting out for you.

If it's too much to ask just please point me in the right direction (or i could post the steps i take and someone could tell me if i "miss something" or "do something stupid" if it's okay)

Please, do not do that. Of course, I can't literally stop you. But yes, I am trying to persuade you here: The steps you take will be your own, and the more you can do it youself, and learn your own way, the better. You will be "stronger" for it. Stronger in mod-fu, that is. :ninja: :D But really, I do mean it. You'll be so much better off, for now and for as long as you might want to mod and play in the future. Begging others to do it all for you, or hold you hand and all that? It's only going to make sure you learn as little as possible, and hence, be all the more likely to have issue after issue, where you don't have to. Not to mention, the whole process will be painfully drawn out. I'm not making this up - I've seen it before, and very recently indeed, just for one example...

Good luck, and I hope your modded Oblivion rocks on toast. :rock:

edit: And if you ever do need help, advice or suggestions, go to the right thread(s) and post there, if you can avoid starting a new one at all. For example, if you want a particular kind of mod, try the Mods Detectives thread here. If you need help with a specific mod that you've installed, or are about to, try the current release (sometimes "REL" or "RELz") thread for that, also in this forum. And so forth. Be sure to check out the pinned threads at the top of this very forum too - there's some excellent, valuable info there. Much of what you need to know will be right in front of you, 99% of the time.;)
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:07 am

*Agrees with Breton Paladin*

That's why in my list and in my copy/pastes (Which I'll post a bit below) I try to avoid heavily opinionated sites devoted to how one person things mods should be installed, and which mods are worthy of your time. I also avoid the "let me do all the work for you" sites, because then you don't get your modded game, you gets someone else's modded game. Granted I admit I'm heavily biased towards certain mods, but it's just my opinion I'm presenting, and I'm fully allowing people to look at other people's opinions and ideas as well. I might want mine to win out in the end, but that doesn't mean I'm going to recommended something you wouldn't really want, or try to hide and discredit the opinions of others.

Anyway, enough rambling. I'd recommend you just take it easy; think about the mods you'd want, look around, ask us if we know any mods like that. (maybe answer the questions in my copy/paste) Check them out, download what you want, and just screw around with it. Install things slowly so if you get an issue you can just deactivate the last mod you installed and put it on the backburner until you can figure out the issue. The journey and the discovery of mods that seem like they were made just for you is really half the fun.

Anyway... the copy/paste I mentioned:

List of lists:
Top 100
Files of the months:
Hall of fame:,,

List of topics exactly like yours that have already been answered: (You can also find my favorites in post #4)
Read the AZERessential topics to get the basic "get wryebash, OBMM, OBSE, start slow" recommendations

If you want any further help I suggest you tell us about yourself; what you like and what you're looking for... Here's some questions to get you started:

Have you played Oblivion already?
What sort of things interest you?
What type of Character do you usually play? (good/evil, theif/mage, roleplayer/random-no-story-hack-and-slasher?)
Are there specific types of mods you think would interest you? (Quests, graphic mods, gameplay mods, overhauls, etc.)
When did you leave?
What did you not like about Oblivion? What did Oblivion not have or need more of?
Male or female character?

For the occasional "What are your must haves?" (Mostly just the "quests" part since that's what you asked for)
Mostly quest mods:

My favorite quests are: (my most favorite)

[b]Gameplay mods: for troubleshooting) (Needed for Integration) (Needed for Integration)

I'm mostly a quest mod player and I recently posted a big rundown for most of them that I've played and

(Some of these are probably outdated by now) right below this post. :P (Don't really want a lot top 10's or simple lists but I'm desperate for cop/pastes at the moment)

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John Moore
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:09 pm

I guess i wasn't clear lol, I'm on limited time and once i get home the downloads themselves will take much much longer (talking slow internet, disconnects, etc etc...) i just figured there might be a pre-made set of mods out there with fairly straightforward instructions for their setup.

I've always been curious to try the setup of someone else, also i don't know how to say this other than to say i suffered a head injury and do not learn well through most forms of written information. I've learned and relearned all this modding stuff countless times, just asked in a way that would make it easiest for me to learn (a lot will come back to me in the process of installing the mods, but depending on how the written information is presented it can make things very hard on me.)... Well this is an awkward post. Just saying i wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything as i get the impression that some of you feel i came off a bit rude i was just... *Sigh*

Also this was meant as an install just to jump back into the game, i fully intended to work on a separate install or loadout. (Also I've played through all but SI and a very tiny bit of the main quest, Played through Morrowind "every" nook and cranny (excluding that hidden elton brand thing, since i never knew about it till after, and a few of the things you can do as a vampire)

I'll check the links you gave me phoenix and thanks for the help.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:24 am

It's okay you didn't come off as a jerk or anything, and by all means download as many mods as you can while you can, but when it comes to actually installing them afterwards then you should take it slow. I'd recommended just getting on tesnexus and using search to just search for random things you might want using key words like:

When searching description contains:
lore correct
*your race of choice*
*your play style of choice*
*your class of choice*

Organize them by downloads descending so as to avoid some of the more glitchy/amateurish mods. Tag search and categories are other things to browse through based on your interests.

If you just want to look through a list of recommended mods the list of lists(first link in my copy/pastes) will give you a bunch lists sorted into neat little categories.
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Bedford White
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:18 pm

There is I recommend it. An earlier version was my first foray into a heavily modded game. It's as straightforward and streamlined as multi-mod installation gets.
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