mages are horrible

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:13 pm

I think people forget that not everyone wants to play a summoner, I never liked that kind of playstyle. So anyone who uses the "you're doing it wrong, use conjuration" argument, is simply invalid.

Just because you like to use all or other magic schools doesn't mean everyone else does or even has to. If you can't understand that you have no right to say anything.
I've been focusing on Destruction, Alteration, Restoration and Enchanting so far. I see no reason this should not be viable and why I should have to pick up conjuration because the Destruction spells are lacking. Yea, Impact is great but it won't solve the damage problems.

I'll go right ahead and ignore anyone that replies with a "learn to play mage" or "you're doing it wrong, go conjuration" post. If you want to be a summoner great, I don't and Destruction should be enough with my other skills.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:05 pm

If you compare mages with other ''classes'' you can clearly see that mages are horrible... You almost NEED summons to stand your guard against stuff :P and only clothes doesn't make anything better...
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:28 am

These spells cost way too much. I'm level 30 and still getting my butt kicked. I just got destruction to 75 and thought things would get better but its only gotten worse. I duel cast 2 or 3 times and all my mana is gone and the enemy still has over 75% in their health....

The typical, nonsense answer is "Lol, dump six points into Enchanting for the 0 cost school exploit, duh!".
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:59 am

it's funny how being a mage is so hard, but going against a mage is rediculous (unless they use frost and you're a nord) they take your health down super fast and wing spells at you like a friggen machine gun.

Oh yeah and why again do mage robes have 0 Defense? because Stoneflesh is THAT good? yeah, i think not...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:25 am

it's funny how being a mage is so hard, but going against a mage is rediculous (unless they use frost and you're a nord) they take your health down super fast and wing spells at you like a friggen machine gun.

Oh yeah and why again do mage robes have 0 Defense? because Stoneflesh is THAT good? yeah, i think not...

Yeah, you can tell that something got terribly screwed up during development when the enemy Mages are as strong as they are compared to what the player can do, and yet NPC physical classes are nowhere near the player (even someone only using quest rewards or drops) unless it's a named elite or boss. Then they are stronger, but any of the named/boss Mages can one-shot shock you too, so it's pretty much the same.
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