» Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:11 pm
I can't believe CD Projekt (the ones who made The Witcher games) haven't got a mention as top developers yet. I absolutely love those guys because they genuinely care about their games long after release and implement so many new features and change so many flaws that the vast majority of developers wouldn't even glance at. It's a shame that their games will never be as hyped as Bethesda's because they almost certainly deserve it more.
As for Bethesda, I kind of like to compare them to Creative Assembly (the ones who make the Total War series) in that they basically have a monopoly on a certain style of game. Sure, there are other open-world RPGs and strategy games out there, but none quite like what these guys produce. The problem with that is that it's easy for such a developer to get lazy when all they ever hear is nothing but praise from the laughable, uncritical reviews from the mainstream gaming scene. For me, this is very much a trial for Bethesda. If they just deal with a few major bugs and move on, then this is the last game of theirs I buy. If, however, they show that they actually care about their game and its fans, and do as much as possible to polish it, then they'll be one of my favourites.
I never tried Dragon Age 2 so my opinion of Bioware hasn't been tainted as it has for some others.