Anyone else

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:15 am

Does anybody else play the game without really having an aim? E.g. I don't have an assassin or a warrier or anything; my character can take any role (minus using illusion magic, just because I dislike illusion). If I feel like using magic I use magic. If I feel like using a battleaxe, I use a battle axe. Sometimes I dual wield. Sometimes I will just do the main quests and other times I will do side quests, and sometimes I'll even do no quests.

You may be wondering "how is this different than a normal playthough?". I don't powerlevel. I don't try to beat the game (or, since TES is nearly endless, try to reach a certain point). I just do whatever I feel is appropriate at the time. I guess this is essentially roleplaying, with me role playing a character just trying to get by in life, but it's slightly different since there are some limits placed by the game ( perks for example, since in real life there would be no limit to one's learning, wheras I believe there won't be enough perk points to get every perk. I could be wrong though since I haven't gotten that far into the game, though).

On the topic of perks... That's one problem with my style - I'll put some points into a perk tree, then realize I don't like that skill, and have wasted perks. this is frustrating, but it also adds to the difficulty a bit.

All in all, I'd recommend this for anyone who finds the game too easy. I'm 19 hours in and level 17. Blacksmithing and enchanting and whatnot aren't being insanely leveled considering I'm not buying/selling materials. I couldn't even if I want to since I'm saving up for a house (money surprisingly doesn't come easy when your primary source is loot, atleast while the enemies are weak). The absence of uber smithing and enchanting means my weapons come from what I take from corpses (I can enchant\smith roughly what I find on corpses my level, which is just the way I like it).

Overall I just feel like I am taking better advantage of the open world than people who know what the want beforehand, achieve it, then go and play the game afterwards. Admittedly, though, that is likely just me being biased.

Also, I am referring mostly to the console version, since on the pc you can change the game is virtually every way, so there is little reason to play this way (I figure the people who got the console version and the people who got the pc version had different ideas of what they want from the game.)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:31 am

I would imagine that this playstyle gets pretty difficult to maintain once you reach the higher levels. Not specialising means that enemies who are very good at one thing have a big advantage over you.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:47 pm

I think it can be frustrating to miss more shots. I even miss quite often with aim because enemy moves alot. I think game is hard in master mode without bs proffession too. I also use only 1 health potion per combat/per enemy no more than that.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:42 am

specialization can also have its an assassin i kill everything in one hit on lvl 25 (except a blood dragon which i took down 90%), BUT if they see me and i have to engage in close combat - AUA ....same with a ranger... a mixed character of course will have less strengths in one area, on the other hand he is more versataile for different situations... but its also always a question of what goes well together.. i think conjuration, alteration, restoration can work very well with a warrior...even destruction....on the other hand heavy armor or block can also be very useful for mages so...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:03 am

Well usually what gets me through tough enemies so far is not aggroing a group. If I take an enemy one at a time I'm usually able to find a strategy to win. Admittedly though, I can't ( I've encountered a few enemies who have 1/2 hit me, but I think that's just because I wasn't ready for them). It also helps that I don't I've up on my char if I die (I do still try to not die, but sometimes, like fighting a frost troll at lvl 7, it's unnavoidable).

When I fought a master vampire at the beginning of the game, for example, I couldn't kill him with brute force (because he had a group of minions helping him, and he would reanimate them once dead). I still managed to kill him (admittedly on my second try though...) By using lydia to block a corrider, trapping both the master vampire and his minions, and then dual casting for my life. I had to sacrifice lydia, but hey, it worked. ( and now I have jenessa, and I like her so I try keeping her alive).

I'm just not big on plowing through a game, which is why I like this playstyle.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:42 am

I do, but I still tend to end up using most One handed and Destruction/Conjuration.
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