Do you think the Stormcloaks are racist?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:52 am

listen, i play as a Dunmer, and im proud of it. I hate Ulfric and i really do think he is racist, but the Dunmer got more than they should have from Windhelm. they may live in a slum, but at least they have a place to live.

yes as apposed to the argonians who are forced to the docks and khajitts forced to make camps in the cold mind you we were not refugees and unlike the dunmer have no bad history with skyrim....ulfric is a racist :intergalactic:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:27 am

Some of them have prejudice, but very few are racist. What's more racist, an empire attempting to outlaw their culture, or them defending it? Aren't they entitled to worship whoever they wish? Hell, if I was a Nord in Skyrim at this time, it'd be hard for me not to hate elves.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:33 pm

Some of them have prejudice, but very few are racist. What's more racist, an empire attempting to outlaw their culture, or them defending it? Aren't they entitled to worship whoever they wish? Hell, if I was a Nord in Skyrim at this time, it'd be hard for me not to hate elves.

empire isnt trying to outlaw there culture in fact until ulfric killed torryg and brought attention to skyrim as alvor said himself everyone had thier little shrine to talos when ulfric killed torryg the empire had to crack down ulfic created this problem himself to justify his supposed rebellion at least hammerfell had a real reason to succeed ..and it was under peaceful terms :intergalactic:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:40 am

Well, I have seen my fair share of comments that revered Talos without even knowing who Tiber Septim is and what he did, assuming he was TES reference to Thor and anyone with a viking helm who worshipped him is automatically cool, ignoring everything else. My respect is for people who grasp what's going on first before deciding or people who are accepting them for what they are and still going along instead of trying to make wrongs right just to not have a guilty conscience.

I'm pretty sure what you really mean is that you save your respect for people who agree with you. You won't accept any notion that the Stormcloaks aren't racists without implying that the person saying it doesn't know what they're on about.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:11 am

Saying Stormcloaks are racist is unfair. Think about it, would you want foreigners to do stuff on YOUR land without any respect to you? I mean if a Korean guy doesn't like people from the U.S doing stuff that doesn't respect their culture on their land, does that make that guy racist against people from the U.S? No! If the foreigners of Skyrim acted with respect, the Stormcloaks would have no reason to do what they do.

Really, it isn't the Empire's fault for doing this to Skyrim but Skyrim still needs to fight against the Thalmor and the Stormcloaks believe they are the ones to do it.

EDIT: I'm Empire by the way.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:01 am

At first I was sympathetic to their cause. Thinking that they were just fighting for freedom of worship.. But all their "Skyrim for the Nords!!!" talk is putting me off. Then again the Imperials did try to execute me for no good reason... Gahhh..
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:40 pm

I was chatting with a Windhelm resident and he told me that no matter how loyal you are to Ulfric, he will never trust you unless you're a nord. So yes I suppose he is racist. I really want to play a different race but none of them fit in. I'd like to play a Dunmer or Argonian but it just doesnt seem right to be jumping around icy mountains and shouting words in a largely nordic language as a lizard. That's one thing I'm not a fan of in Skyrim, it's very difficult play a different race without it not feeling right.

I like the Stormcloaks but only my nord would feel right being with them and I hate the Legion because they tried to execute me. I wish there was a path where you helped make Skyrim a cosmopolitan place like Cyrodill where all races are accepted and you don't have to take sides.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:51 pm

This is one of those times where you wished you could take control of the empire and/or SC's. (Another example being

Personally I think the SC's are xenophobes that are paranoid about elves because they could be spies of the Thalmor. Argonians and Khajitts? I think that the Stormcloaks may be a bit ignorant about their ways, plus the fact that they have only recently began entering Skyrim in large numbers.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:34 am

OP you forgot the "I don't care." option.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:29 am

Post limit.
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