» Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:35 am
I'll say what I said before on the -last- thread like this... even though someone here already stated it, because I want to voice that I agree with them.
I'm okay with the 'endings' options... but I really think it's ridiculous that you would create a world like Fallout 3 or New Vegas... based upon the open-ended gameplay of games like Morrowind and Oblivion... but then say:
"Oops, nope... you finished the mission. Here's some slides. If you want to play around more, go back to your last save and pretend that you haven't played through the entire main quest up to this point. Never-you-mind that there's a MASSIVE battle waiting solely for your arrival. Nope. Ignore that and go wander the wastes. Fun!"
That's not acceptable. Not to me. The difference between that, and saying "Yeah, screw you. We know that the ending for Fallout 3 got so much attention that Bethesda was forced to make a crappy DLC to fix it... but you know what... you're going to -like- ours better, so your point is invalid." is quite marginal.
My concern was never with the ending. My concern was with wanting to play around in the world I had made... regardless of whether or not it acknowledged my completion of the main quest. Do you know why? Because at least THAT WAY... it's not LOOMING there, on the horizon, waiting for you to go do it again. Then it's done, and [censored]... if nothing happens after that, what do I care?
What do I care if some slide tells me "So and such happened 10 years later..." and then, after the game ends, I go and blow so-and-so's brains out, preventing that outcome from ever happening?
What does that matter to ME? Do you -really- think that I care, in the long run, if the little slides at the end of the game aren't 100% accurate? Do you really think that somehow, it's going to SPOIL my gameplay if I know that I've changed the future as read aloud to me by a slideshow by some guy with an awesome voice?
What I -want- to do... is kick back and enjoy the apocalypse. Wander around in the post-NCR/Legion/House world, with one or two or three references at most to the 'great' or 'horrible' thing I have done.
Why? Because that's what I want out of a Fallout game. It has been ever since Fallout 2.
That's why I said something about Fallout 3... and that's why I say something about Fallout: New Vegas.
Because no matter what some jerkoff says about Fallout 2's allowing you to play after the end of the game being a waste of time... that's precisely how I spent -MOST- of my time playing Fallout 2. AFTER the ten minutes I spent BEATING the game.
But Obsidian was right about one thing. I -do- like their endings better than Bethesda's.
It doesn't change the fact that they flipped me the bird, along with anyone else who feels like I do, and there's a lot more of us than you folks who disagree would like to think. I don't give a [censored] who the majority is. When you tell a sizable chunk of your fanbase that you, essentially, know what they want better than they do... you're making an error in judgement.
I have a mod. So I got over it quickly enough.
But if this [censored] goes on in -EVERY- Fallout game to follow? I'm gonna keep on getting pissed off all over again.
As for after-game content? I don't want a Broken Steel type DLC.
I want a game-continuing, year-long-production-time, world-expanding expansion pack. I want something along the lines of Shivering Isles... not one like 'The Pitt'.
And then I'll be satisfied.
Until then, I'll just keep on rejecting Obsidian's decision and continuing to play on after the end of the game with my mods.