Skyrim stupidity = humor.

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:35 am

After reaching my 100th hour on Skyrim today I wanted to discuss my humorous experiences (And bugs).

Such as when Rolof of the stormcloaks told me to infiltrate a fort silently. After my briefing he told me, "Not now, be quiet!"
Then out of the blue, Rolof and his rag-tag stormcloaks charged in to to the fort screaming bloody murder, then get slaughtered. Now do take into mind that I am playing a Dunmer-Assassin. Things like this make stealth almost impossible, but entertain me the most, so it's not a problem at all! :thumbsup:

Eventually, things like these turn into inside jokes with my friends and I.
Anybody seen anything along the lines of NPC's heads-first in the ground?
NPC's you have previously killed, but somehow reappear and run up to you butt-naked saying "Greetings"?
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:36 am

I was talking to one of the skooma dealing orcs on the road and as we were talking a saber tooth cat attadked him. My dremora took care of the cat but the message was clear, "JUST SAY NO!": lol

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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:05 am

I was talking to one of the skooma dealing orcs on the road and as we were talking a saber tooth cat attadked him. My dremora took care of the cat but the message was clear, "JUST SAY NO!": lol


No way, The same incident happened to me. I bought my fix, then as he said "Thank you for your patronige" he was mauled by a frost troll and a saber cat.... hilarious.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:54 am

I was doing the MQ mission at the Thalmor embassy carefully sneaking around meticulously slicing up the guards. I'd disposed of everyone in the area and so came out of sneak mode and was happily wandering around looting the place clattering into jugs and tankards then from behind me a guard crept up and pushed into me as I was blocking a doorway. He just carried on walking and went off up some stairs while muttering 'I'll find you'
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Shae Munro
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:59 pm

I was doing the MQ mission at the Thalmor embassy carefully sneaking around meticulously slicing up the guards. I'd disposed of everyone in the area and so came out of sneak mode and was happily wandering around looting the place clattering into jugs and tankards then from behind me a guard crept up and pushed into me as I was blocking a doorway. He just carried on walking and went off up some stairs while muttering 'I'll find you'

Perfect example. :thumbsup:
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:00 am

I was doing a quest that I have to kill a master vampire...

I had a bunch of people, sent by the Jarl, to help me.... ("Brave warriors")
When I was near the cave, I asked one of them: "So, I have to go there all by myself?"

He answered: "The rest of us are cowards, but I'll go with you" (Something like that)

When I entered the cave, I was alone. I went back, where are those "brave warriors sent by the Jarl'?
They were going back to the city...
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:42 am

Shoot a bandit with an arrow but stay hidden, "I must be imagining things" .
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:11 am

i just kill a dragon in one of the settlements and some guards help me... when the dragon was dead a guard walked by complaining he got guard duty while his cousin was out fighting dragons WITH A DISSOLVING DRAGON SKELETON HE JUST HELPED ME SLAY, LAYING JUST BESIDE HIM !!!!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:36 pm

i just kill a dragon in one of the settlements and some guards help me... when the dragon was dead a guard walked by complaining he got guard duty while his cousin was out fighting dragons WITH A DISSOLVING DRAGON SKELETON HE JUST HELPED ME SLAY, LAYING JUST BESIDE HIM !!!!

Haha that's a pretty good one.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:50 am

Possible Spoiler

My absolute favorite was when I was first arriving at Riverwood. I'm not sure if it's scripted or not but there was a dragon that kept showing up as I was first entering Riverwood (My save was before I took the caravan there.) I started walking into Riverwood the first time, in a sequence of six tries to kill the damn dragon, and the guard said I needed to do something first and right as he was about to tell me there was a fee (revealed to me by the other five tries against the dragon) a dragon swooped in and his dialogue suddenly changed to "Please help us defeat this dragon." I thought it was amazing and at first I thought it was completely scripted to be that way, then I died to the dragon and had to do it again and again, and after that he only told me I had to pay a fee. Still my favorite though.

End Spoiler

Another one was while watching my friend play, he was going through some witch den and assassinating all the witches and the Hag that was there kept spotting him but as he disappeared behind a corner she was all "Must have been my imagination." As all of her witch friends died right in front of her very eyes...
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 pm

I watched a guard get the killing animation on a dragon while in Riften. It was an Elder Dragon, no less. That nameless guy showed me up in my own profession. Jerk. I'm Dragonborn. Not you.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:28 am

i just kill a dragon in one of the settlements and some guards help me... when the dragon was dead a guard walked by complaining he got guard duty while his cousin was out fighting dragons WITH A DISSOLVING DRAGON SKELETON HE JUST HELPED ME SLAY, LAYING JUST BESIDE HIM !!!!

major memory loss!
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:57 am

Shoot a bandit with an arrow but stay hidden, "I must be imagining things" .

haha this, I even had a bandit pick up a bow I dropped walk over to me and tell me I shouldn't leave things lying on the floor, while I was hidden in sneak then walked back across the room looked at his dead buddy and said "I'll find who did this!" :rofl: I was speechless.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:48 am

haha this, I even had a bandit pick up a bow I dropped walk over to me and tell me I shouldn't leave things lying on the floor, while I was hidden in sneak then walked back across the room looked at his dead buddy and said "I'll find who did this!" :rofl: I was speechless.

It would seem this kind of thing happens all the time. Just yesterday I was sneaking around this woman's room, stealing all her goodies while she slept, when I decided I didn't want one of the books I'd taken from her after all and dropped it. I'm making my way towards the door when suddenly I hear her voice behind me and assume I must've been caught, so I prepare to bolt. Instead, she graciously returns her stolen book to me, remarking that she saw me drop it and that she thought I might want it back. What a generous lady.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:50 am

It would seem this kind of thing happens all the time. Just yesterday I was sneaking around this woman's room, stealing all her goodies while she slept, when I decided I didn't want one of the books I'd taken from her after all and dropped it. I'm making my way towards the door when suddenly I hear her voice behind me and assume I must've been caught, so I prepare to bolt. Instead, she graciously returns her stolen book to me, remarking that she saw me drop it and that she thought I might want it back. What a generous lady.

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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:16 am

I met Deep-In-His-Cups on the road who told me he just took out an entire bandit camp. After I talked him down of giving him his 10,000 gold reward I decided to follow him for a bit. He met a single bandit and got slaughtered.

He was SO lying about taking down that camp
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:20 am

while on my way to rid a camp full of bandits, a thief actually stops to talk to me while i'm hiding behind a rock. He gives me an item and is on his way. A hunter who's chasing him stops to ask me if I've seen anyone, but while all this is going on a mudcrab scuttles over behind the hunter and starts pinching his legs. At this point I'm just staring at the NPC to see if he'll react but to no avail. I then exit out of the convo and decimate the crab AND kill the thief who gave me the item earlier. The hunter then just stands there and looks at me like nothing happened. I just killed the thief that stole his item AND I saved him from an obnoxious mudcrab yet he gives me no thanks. Thanks alot NPC, you jerk.
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