It depends on skill level, if a higher energy weapons skill a gauss, if guns the anti material rifle.
For convenience I'll just go over damage threshold ( DT ), base damage ( dam ) and damage per seonds ( dps ).
Say a deathclaw has 15 DT this means that it absorbs 15 points of damage.
If your weapons Dam is below this you deal far less damage than normal.
If above it takes that amount of Dam - the DT 15.
So you need to attack a creature with higher DT with a strong Dam weapon, like the anti material rifle.
Then you have armour piercing ( AP ) or damage threshold reducing ( -DT ) ammo.
This subtracts that amount of DT from the creatures DT.
Example a 5.57 AP round ( -15 DT ) will subtract all the deathclaws armour and deal full damage ( well 95% due to the ammo being weaker than the normal ammo type. )
Another example is Max Charge this removes 10 DT from the deathclaw, but also adds damage at the same time.
So it's stronger than the AP round, it will ruin your gun quicker but makes up for it by killing creatures quicker too.
Now damage per seconds ( DPS ), is how fast the gun fires in total.
Mostly the higher the number the lower the base damage ( DAM ).
So against deathclaws it is not really the best choice, unless you equip AP or max charge rounds in it.
Then the weapon may make it easy to kill a deathclaw.
These high DPS weapons are best used against fast and light foes, cazadore's, gecko's and nightstalkers for example.
The weapons were in no particular order, but do best with the ammo types provided against deathclaws.
Otherwise you'll still not be doing max damage with them.
I hope this helps.