Cidnha Mine Jail

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:13 am

First of all let me explain what happened, I have been doing quests for the Thieves Guild (trying to return them to their former glory). My latest assignment was to do a numbers job in Markarth. I broke inside the shop and the old lady there threw a fit and wanted me out. I managed to tamper with the numbers book but by time I was going to make my escape she called the gaurds and they waited for me at the door. I got the three options to pay them, go to jail, or fight them. Since I hadn't ever been to jail before and I wanted the achievement to break out I decided to let him take me to the jail. Much to my surprise when I arrived I found myself in the Cidnha mine (I expected a regular jail) and the kind orc woman showed me to the door and booted me in. When I got in I talked with the other prisoners and ended up getting some skooma and traded it in for my own shiv. Then after finding nothing else to do I started looking around for a way to escape. The door I came in through can't be opened because there isn't even a option to open it or attempt to lockpick it. However there was a door below that needs a key to open and there was a orc named Borkul the Beast guarding it. Still after no way of finding a escape way I decided after wasting a good hour that I really wanted to leave so I looked to serve my jail time. Uraccen (one of the prisoners) said to just find a ore vain and start mining it. So I went around and mined every vain in the entire place and still nothing happened. Still clueless of what to do I remembered Uraccen said the guards showed up only once a week to sort things out. So I waited over 14 in game days and yet still nothing! At this point I start to freak out considering I have already clocked 70 hours with this character and I have no previous saves to jump back to. I read that there is a quest that ties with this place called "No one escapes from Cidnha Mine" following this quest the orc lets you in that door the requires the key and then you speak to another man and etc. etc. you later escape. Problem is I didn't get here from a quest line, I got here from breaking in a old ladies shop! Again in desperation, I killed all the other prisoners in the mine including Borkul the Beast and there was no key on his body. I have waited and waited days and days in game and again nothing...

I also seen a comment from someone who said that you just need to go to a ore vain and select the (A) button to serve your jail time, but my problem is if that is true I am stuck because I chose to mine everything by manually swinging the pickaxe myself.

Please if anybody can help me I would appreciate it so much!

P.S. I did find a glitch to get out of the mine (next to Duach there is a wooden cart, push it against the wall and jump on top of it and you will either be pushed through the wall or fall through the floor which then leads to a quick flash of the screen turning black and then you will find yourself on the other side of the prison door) but I don't want carry out with it because I am left without my weapons and armor that I came in with. If anyone can tell me where to find my equipment that's been taken away I would greatly appreciate that as well!
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:55 am

Well if you can't do the time don't do the crime, ha ha ha sorry that's not really helpful.

Now you have killed Borkal can you get through the door he was next to? In the actual quest it's through this door where the next step to escaping begins but as your outside of the quest i'm not sure if it'll work.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:53 am

Topic closed! So following up with my glitch where you end up on the other side of the prison door I found where my equipment was stashed! As you start to approach the bridge to the right there is another cell door. It can be opened with a key from one of the guards (just pickpocket them) and then you will come to the chest which can be opened with the key as well.

I am extremely luck to have gotten out of the mine and I really hope Bethesda can fix the problems with this place because I'd still be trapped if it wasn't for the random glitch!
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Laura Richards
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