WEPON Future Development: Need interested weapon or armor de

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:27 am

If you are reading this topic, hopefully that means you have the following qualities:
  • You are interested in weapon and armor designing for Oblivion.
  • You have experience with meshes, textures, and/or normal maps.
  • You are willing to dedicate some time and effort to working on one last quality set of weapons and armor before Skyrim launches in November.
  • You are willing to work with other team members who are focused on the same, as well as with me (who, I warn you, is useless in NIFscope and Blender!!)

The other authors of WEPON and I have, for some time, had a "secret project" in mind that requires the addition of one brand new light armor, heavy armor, and weapon set to Oblivion and Shivering Isles. This is completely separate from the Adamantium and other Morrowind-type sets I have posted about before.
We call the plans a "secret project" because we do not want to give too much of it away. We want it to be a fun surprise for the average player. But we're going to need a lot of help to make this a reality! If you are interested in helping, or know someone who might be, read on:
If you have looked at the existing WEPON mod in the Construction Set, you may have noticed a set of "Chaos" weapons that are not available in-game. They are there for a reason! The "secret project" calls for
  • Addition of a small quest unlike anything seen before now. I will not give out many details in public, but I will say that it involves Dyus, the long-lost Shrine of Jyggalag, and the work I've been putting in on Battle Chess. The quest will require the player to have already completed Shivering Isles' main quest.
  • Creation of Chaos light armor, heavy armor, and weapons. This set will be superior to anything available in Vanilla, but still very balanced. Stats-wise, it will be one notch above Perfect Madness/Amber. To fit the plan, the Chaos set needs to blend at least some elements of Daedric, Madness, and Amber equipment.

Please post here or PM me if interested.
EDIT: I wanted to clarify the project status. So far, I'm on board with this project, and Spiney and Ionis have expressed some interest. But little actual work has been done as of yet.
EDIT 2: Anyone who did join the project would be given as much artistic license as possible, while I ensure the work still fits the overall theme. In other words, I would not dictate the design details to you (unless you wanted me to!)
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:33 am

Heh, I was hoping this topic would get at least one response! But I suspect most of the expert weapon and armor designers have already done any work they plan to do in Oblivion. It has been out for 5 years after all :)

If anyone has some interest, but does not like the plan as described in the previous post, I can be flexible. Please let me know. Unfortunately, I can only build ESPs and scripts, and both Spiney and Ionis are super-busy, so this project will not happen without outside help!
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:40 am

Yeah, unfortunately designers are in short supply these days. I managed to recruit somebody to do some work for me - and he's not available until he's done my work. :lol: Especially armour - apparently that's a real task to get to work properly. Sorry I can't offer any assistance.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:03 am

Might be a good idea to post this on TESA as well, we have quite a few modelers there, I'm sure they'll be someone interested in helping :)

Yeah, unfortunately designers are in short supply these days. I managed to recruit somebody to do some work for me - and he's not available until he's done my work. :lol: Especially armour - apparently that's a real task to get to work properly. Sorry I can't offer any assistance.

You do a LOT of recruiting :lmao:
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jessica breen
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:03 am

Yeah, unfortunately designers are in short supply these days.

I'm finding that to be true! Now that I'm trying to recruit for this phase of WEPON, I am coming to appreciate how lucky I was that Spiney and Kriscrash both were interested in helping with the new Amber and Madness weapons. WEPON in its current form just wouldn't have happened without them.
Guess I'm just "too late to the game" here...interest in Oblivion is waning since it's 5 years old and Skyrim is on the way.

Might be a good idea to post this on TESA as well, we have quite a few modelers there, I'm sure they'll be someone interested in helping :)

Thanks for the suggestion! Will do.

A shorter summary of the thread topic, for those viewing the thread for the first time:
  • I am hoping to find 1 or more people interested in designing a new matching set of light armor, heavy armor, and weapons. This set would go into WEPON as an "ultimate" (i.e. better than Daedric, or Perfect Amber/Madness) weapons. The designers would have as much, or as little, creative freedom as they would like, so long as the armor sets and weapons look like they are related to one another, and fit the envisioned quest.
  • This new equipment would be very balanced. Rather than being so-called "god items", they would only be one or two notches in quality above Perfect Madness/Amber. So they would feel like they belong in the game.
  • If new armor/weapon designers cannot be found, I would also be open to suggestions on incorporating existing armor/weapon sets. Please post here to make such a suggestion.
  • I have sketched out a unique related quest, and have begun early work in the CS. The ideal plan would incorporate designs I have for adding Battle Chess to Oblivion, but that is going to take a LOT of work on my part...
  • Spiney (new Amber weapons) and Ionis (Mithril and Orcish weapons) have both expressed interest in helping, but they're also both time-limited.

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