» Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:47 am
It really comes down to how much challenge you want and why you're playing the game. I like playing on Master (which around level 15 is even becoming too easy) because then when I kill a boss character it was a really epic battle. I, as in ME PERSONALLY, feel more heroic for dungeon delving on Master. It feels like I constantly have to be aware of my surroundings and my health and how many health potions I have, whether or not I'm out of Magicka and if I have a way to restore it.
I feel challenged (or have for most of the time I've been playing my master difficulty character) and winning feels good. Then when I find a sword that absorbs 10 health, I feel like I just found the best item in the game, hahaha. Although my Dragon's Breath (Dwarven sword enchanted with Fire Damage) that I personally hand crafted annihilates undead. I keep going through burrows and I'm 3 hitting regular Draughr at like level 15 on Master Difficulty. There is one special boss though, I actually had to recharge my sword in the middle of battle (it was full when I started the battle) just to kill him. I ran out of magicka like five times from healing myself. Was out of magicka potions and health potions and the last three swings of mine were heart racing ones as he hit me and I hit him. I had a SLIVER of life left and defeated him and his minions, just barely.
That feeling, I wouldn't have had it on Expert, let alone Adept. That feeling is why I PERSONALLY play this game. My friend plays on the easiest difficulty because he works all day and at the end of the day he just wants to [censored] [censored] up without worrying about anything at all.
Also of note, some people even go behind playing on Master difficulty. Some people make, or download, mods that make monsters have even more health and do even more damage, mods that remove damage from your own weapons and armor rating from your own armor. Some people combine every mod that makes the game more difficult that they can find that mesh together because they want to be constantly sweating, heart pumping and feeling like at any moment a spider could fall from the ceiling catch them by surprise and kill them. I know a guy that does that, and if he dies, he deletes all his save for that character and starts a new character. Guy is crazy, but that's how he likes to play.
Play how you want man, it's what we all do.