Just another batch of screenshots with commentary

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:22 am

Amusemants, glitches, and beautiful things.

^ Radioactive gas clouds? The "Candlelight" spell makes the brightness of some areas go completely beserk.

^ "I need some arrows that can take down a dragon." "Why of course. Will you also be needing the bow that shoots rainbows? Or a quiver that dispenses beer?" That's right buddy, just keep laughing when that totally-not-fictional dragon flies over Solitude and burns down your shop.

^ Well that isn't ominous at all.

^ "But this land is ours and we''ll see it wiped clean. Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams." Says the dunmer bard, in Windhelm, where the local Nord population passionately hates the dunmer. Irony much?

^ There is still no sand, but Khajiit is happy to be warm in front of fire.

^ "You can't go a party at the Thalmor Embassy dressed like that." What are you, my mother? It's a political statement!

^ The calm before the blizzard...

^ "Now that we've got that out of the way, I'll take everything you have... or your life." Bandits have very VERY poor survival instincts.

^ Lydia somehow manages to fight (and kill) draugr through a stone wall.

^ "I've got a bad feeling about this." This place rates about a 9.0 on my Evil Boss-o-meter

^ "Strange. According to history Solitude attacked Winterhold, but Aesgir seems to be saying Olaf reacted. What do we say happened?" If you ever wondered why so much of TES lore makes no sense and half of it contradicts the other half? This is the reason, right here. Find new information that contradicts what you already have? Make stuff up.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:48 am

very nice!
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:57 am

A visit to Riften and related adventures.

^ A single tree growing out of solid stone, so far from mainland Skyrim that it's off the map. Desolate. Lonely. :(

^ "No, I don't remember. Could you... demonstrate?"

^ "The torch? I just like fire. A lot. Fire is great. Don't look at me like that. Hey, where are you going! I promise not to set the building on fire!"

^ The man's name is "Horse-Crusher". Look at the poor animal in the background begging me to buy it and save itfrom this equine sadist.

^ Pretty girl gives me weird looks as I sit down at her table in the crowded pub and stare at her. I think she doesn't like my argonian skin?

^ I wish I could hang out here for a good long while, but shortly I will need to depart on quest.

^ ... Yes, in fact let's leave **right now**

^ This woman wishes the town were more interesting. Wearing an outfit like this is an excellent start, I'd say.

^ This horse has its own gravity field which is unrelated to the rest of the world.

^ "Where are we going?" "I don't know, but we look like total badasses!"

^ Kamikaze horse helps attack dragon.

^ You just survived a fight with a dragon, which has just spontaneously combusted, and you're worried that I have my weapon drawn?? These town guards are hard to impress!
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