» Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:06 am
Yeah that is really my biggest problem with Skyrim, and I hoped that they had corrected the problem after Oblivion.
The problem with Morrowind was that the instructions were written by designers that had played the game a lot, and knew the places of things like the back of their hand, and written the instructions according to that knowledge, and this was a problem that made things hard for the average gamer.
I did have no problem with finding my way around the game as I pay my entire attention to the given instructions and written notes, and have a knack for it.
They saw the grumbling of the average players, and decided to scraqe the whole instructions/notes down and revert to always visible, in the face, on screen carrot, to nose lead the players around, and give exact pop-up instruction, at the exact place that it was needed to let players finish the quests like the programmed automatons they are.
The problem still remains with Skyrim and this is my biggest disappointment with it. Maybe my only real disappointment.
I miss the Morrowind days that the quest journals were like a notebook that my hero(in) had presumably had written his/her note on the subject inside, to refer to later.
That was brilliant, and sorely missing. Now the instructions are like: "Follow the carrot, find the bone, bring it back to the master".