Quest lines actually worth doing?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:25 pm

So sadly Bethesda did a pretty terrible job with the civil war quest line(except for battle for whiterun) and the dovakhiin one isn't the best in my opinion. I've done some quests in the Companion quest line and I guess it's ok. I haven't done any other guild quest lines because I hear they are VERY short compared to previous TES games and the dark brotherhood one is the only long one. I'm pretty disappointed with this and I'm wondering if there are actually any side quests or quest lines worth doing that aren't disappointingly short or underwhelming. Also, I hate how npc dialogue stays the same even when you save the world from Alduin or something, probably the worst part.

Please answer.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:14 pm

I personally like the civil war quest line, I only did it from the Legion perspective though, I don't know how it is for the Stormcloaks :shrug: I also enjoyed the main questline but I agree, not my favorite MQ from the Elder Scrolls series, Morrowind gets that honor from me. I guess you could just devote yourself to exploring all the dungeons, seeing as there are so many it might keep you busy for a while, some even have quests attached but if you refuse to try the other guilds I can't help you.

Edit: I don't know how far you are with the Companions but you should try going through with them, the story gets interesting later on.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:23 am

have you tried the repeatable quest, some are quick like a simple dragon, and others have dungeons with formidable foes.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:16 am

have you tried the repeatable quest, some are quick like a simple dragon, and others have dungeons with formidable foes.

Sounds cool. Where did you get the letter?

OP, as an example I find the Winterhold college quest to be lots of fun. Yes, it's shorter than oblivions, but they cut out a lot of the "find me x of y stuff" ( all though you can still do that if you do the side quests ). The part in the ruins of Mzulft took me a very long time to complete for example.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:30 pm

To be fair, TES series aren't renowned for their quest lines. Dark Brotherhood and Thieves' Guild are decent attempts at high fantasy literature, albeit predictable. I'm sure we can all agree that we play Elderscrolls games to lose ourselves in another world. If we're here for the dialogs and political intrigues, I'm afraid we might be doing it wrong. :P
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:41 am

I really enjoyed the main quest and civil war quests, the Dark Brotherhood is also pretty fun, but IMO the guilds aren't as good as they were in oblivion.
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