There's no penalty to using achievements. Yes, if you make your characters skills 100 through setav, you won't get the achievement, but this isn't due to a penalty, it's simply the console command skipping past the trigger for the achievement. As long as you aren't skipping whatever triggers the achievement, then you will still get it.
Exactly. And breaks getting the achievements. Can one still get them after that? They sure can, if they reverse the command and use the "advskill" instead.
Their is no specific achievement locked into the quest I am refering to.
As you all know by now, their are dragon masks in the game. The first one I got was vendored 150 game hours ago at the start of the game. When I got the mask no quest popped up so I didn't know I would need them later on for a quest. I've practically finished the majority of the quests in game and it's bothering me that I will never be able to complete this because I sold the item. Wouldn't bother me so much if I was warned in anyway shape or form...Or if the merchents held onto the items like they do the dragon claws...
I've never used a console command in any other game because I like to do things the hard way. Unfortunately this isn't one of those cases of hard or easy way out. I vendored an item (which I wasn't warned would be needed for a quest) and I want to respawn the guy so I can kill him again for his mask. The sad part of all this is I have a chest in my house specifically designated for miscellaneous items that might be needed for future quests... I have tons of junk in their like every piece of junk you can imagine.
Are you talking about like the masks you get from like "Krosis" and the other omnipotent Draugrs that are entombed close by Dragon sites?
These guys:
Otar the Mad
If you want the mask(s), make a save, just in case. Go and look at the item IDs for the masks. Open the console and type (no quotes, include spaces) "player.placeatme item-id 1 (The number 1 meaning how many). You then will have the item laying right near you. I would suggest using this command instead of the "additem" command, as it might make the game think you acquired it, and not just added it.