Yep. I've always loved The Real Barenziah, and at the moment I'm collecting all of the Wolf Queen volumes. If there are multiple volumes I store them away until I have the whole set to read at once. On the whole, I'd say I prefer the books which aren't just details of this or that war or conquest. I need a more personal feeling story to really draw me in (that goes for books IRL too).
Lol they are some crazy long books. Vol 5 is like 40 PAGES!!!
I like to read the books but I don't read them enough, instead I hoard them put them in my bookshelves (best feature ever) and say to myself that I will read them all soon. Though after playing 155 hour in 2 weeks (Longest I have ever played a game) that time still hasn't come.
It will soon hopefully be time to have an evening with some books but the amount of quests I still have to do, that time seems so far.
Edit: forgot to mention my favourite, Myths of Sheogorath. Great book.
I really wish I could meet Sheogorath, he is epic. I sure do miss the shivering Isles.