General Feedback

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:13 am

This game is nearly perfect, especially on PC, but some little things need to be improved in future patches :

- [Bug] Sometimes the game directly quit to desktop without explanations, more rarely crash with a error message, don't have more precisions.
- [Bug] Favorite shortcuts number keys are sometimes unbind, maybe when we carrying 2 of the same object, not sure.
- Level scaling : If the dungeons stay at the level we entered the first time (it's what I understood), there is no interest to re-visit them. You should always scale the enemies level to match the player level, even after the reset of a zone...
- Add an indication on the books already read, changing the name in gray for example.
- Add the use of the 10 numbers for favorite shortcuts (0-9).
- Remove confirmation screens on poison uses that freeze the time.
- Remove the frozen time on confirmation screens during crafting.
- Remove the frozen time during the shop use.
- Poisons should last more than 1 shot on weapons, for example 5 arrows or blade hits, increases to 10 with the Alchemy specialisation.
- Modify horses behavior, only engage in combat if attacked.
- Companions (not the guild) : It could be nice to see their default equipement in their inventory with the possibility to remove and replace it, choose exactly what we want them to use (leave the use of weapons and torches in auto).
- Companions (not the guild) : A dialog option to let them gather nearby plants and insects in the limit of their carrying capacity, could be usefull when we use a horse :)

That all I've noticed for now, I will edit this topic if I find new ideas...

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Anna Beattie
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Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:59 am

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:55 am

Hey Holger_35, welcome to the forums! Here's a complimentary ;)
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Soraya Davy
Posts: 3377
Joined: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:53 pm

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