» Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:21 am
- buy a shop, hire a npc and give him/her the stuff I craft to sell 'em (blacksmith shop, alchemy shop, general store, farm+tavern, stable); get money from my npc, restock the stuff, lose some stuff or money due to thieves
- tame horses around the world and others animals too
- fish with a fishing pole and sell stuff in my fishing shop (read point 1)
- create my campfire to cook and sleep outdoor
- better and usefull cooking recipes with long term buffs
- create my own guild (good or evil) or become the head of a guild, hire recruits and send 'em to do mission; if they die, investigate what happened to them and hire new recruits
- longer guild quests: start as recruit, do missions, earn respect and ranks, do more missions, etc
- followers more similar to dragon age; right now followers are just mute fighting mules and I'd like to know more about them and have more related quests
- be able to see followers stat and skill, and chose their equipment as I like
- better keybinding system
- mounted fight
- different horses, light and faster vs heavy and tougher
- 2 way to complete all quests and the main quest, good way and evil way
- parry with dual wield
- craft arrows; we can chop wood, we can mine ores, why we can't craft arrows?
- bigger towns and villages
- no more crabs lol