What Do You Wish You Could Do in Skyrim?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:59 pm

I want bethesda to build their next game specifically to my requirements.
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jessica breen
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:44 am

Co-op ala NWN2.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:20 pm

If your on about the pet you get at the end (trying not to spoil it for anyone) you have the wrong name. :laugh:

Odahviing, Ovahkiin... Same thing. :P

Drop quest items... That damn (SPOILER) Elder scroll weighs 20!!

It's weight doesn't actually count against your total capacity, though.
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:21 am

- buy a shop, hire a npc and give him/her the stuff I craft to sell 'em (blacksmith shop, alchemy shop, general store, farm+tavern, stable); get money from my npc, restock the stuff, lose some stuff or money due to thieves
- tame horses around the world and others animals too
- fish with a fishing pole and sell stuff in my fishing shop (read point 1)
- create my campfire to cook and sleep outdoor
- better and usefull cooking recipes with long term buffs
- create my own guild (good or evil) or become the head of a guild, hire recruits and send 'em to do mission; if they die, investigate what happened to them and hire new recruits
- longer guild quests: start as recruit, do missions, earn respect and ranks, do more missions, etc
- followers more similar to dragon age; right now followers are just mute fighting mules and I'd like to know more about them and have more related quests
- be able to see followers stat and skill, and chose their equipment as I like
- better keybinding system
- mounted fight
- different horses, light and faster vs heavy and tougher
- 2 way to complete all quests and the main quest, good way and evil way
- parry with dual wield
- craft arrows; we can chop wood, we can mine ores, why we can't craft arrows?
- bigger towns and villages
- no more crabs lol
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:48 am

Drop quest items... That damn (SPOILER) Elder scroll weighs 20!!

yeya, that's terrible considering massive weapons weigh less.

Right now, I wish I could send every repetitive AI to the moon with a big fat boot in the a$$.
I'm getting really fed up with people telling me their life stories as I run past. It's making me want to murder the whole town.

+ what Redley said.. :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:07 pm

#1 strongholds or land to own

#2 no perk system i was fine with oblivion and morrowinds style

#3 more conjuration less ghost dogs

#4 more jyggalag

#5 bring back the blade shadowrend

#6 my guild mates to actually do somthing like telendriel from oblivions db

#7 not major changes but some as in things didnt change once ulfric was high king , no seemed to notice the damn giant lizards flying around or this supposed world eater ending the world

#8 keep up the good work on the thieves guild but spread out the main guilds lenght its nice to have infinite jobs but seems wierd to become arch mage in mere moments with no one really giving a damn

#9 food should be alchemy again, bring back the deadra

#10 lastly and my only complaint from the begining even though i know each game has to take place in a different province remeber what mad morrowind so appealling it wasnt the typical fantasy setting nords are fun for some but not for all black marsh hammerfell or elswyr would have made better locals as they are very alien just like morrowind the land itself while undoubtly fun to explore and experiance wasnt very intresting vikings arent that original

that said bethesda listen to the fans meditate on the ups and downs and as hermeaus more once said ''go learn and remember'' :intergalactic:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:12 pm

Climb a tree :whistling:
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Maya Maya
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:46 am

- More binding keys only 8 keys to bind something is ridiculous on a PC. This make the gameplay very unpleasant in combat (bring favorite freeze the combat ... well you know)
- Spellcrafting
- Move parry action to a specific key to allow parry with dual wielded weapons.
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