Personally I prefer werewolves, so my vampire character hasn't had a lot of playtime, but the vampire I assassinated did have a pretty cool look - red eyes and visible fangs.
Agreed. werewolves are definitely worth it, they get some great advantages like ability to go beserk and tear the stuffing out anything with their fast claw attacks, the howl ability to make enemies flee in fear. Immunity to disease.
The only downside? You don`t get the well rested perk when sleeping, which is no biggie. I got put off going Vampire when i realised your health regen is kaput outside, quite a big disadvantage in combat.
Turning into Wolf form can be a major life saver. I was struggling to take down the last Dragon Priest i met with melee, thanks to his constant fire attacks. After dying a couple of times, i reloaded and turned into a Werewolf and then proceeded to slaughter the Dragon Priest with lightning fast claw attacks. Get a certain ring and it`s even better.