» Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:31 am
I thought the "Level 50" is just the "World" cap (The point at which you get the best Leveled Rewards and fight the Strongest Leveled Monsters), with leveling becoming slower as you're forced to level up otherwise-unused skills to continue advancing.
And as far as "perk respec" goes... I wish there was a Standing Stone or some kind of shrine in the wilderness that let you re-spec a single perk point once per level, no rollover. This allows you to correct perk assignment "mistakes" without allowing you to completely redefine your character. Being forced to either play with a knowingly-gimped character, or start over because you misspent 1-3 perks out of over 20-30 (and then some) total perks is not fun and aggravating as hell to put up with.
Here's a personal example of why we need perk-respec:
My character is a level 20 Khajiit, with perks in Two-handed weapons and Archery, with another perk in Block, and two in Destruction. I don't want those destruction perks, because I can't use them: I thought it would be cool to be able to use dual-casting to turn "Flames" into a face-melting conflagration (Instead, it turned into a magicka-draining tickle-laser). I've invested several weeks into this character, and I don't want to have to waste those weeks of gameplay just for those two perks. It's not like I'm completely re-defining my character. I just want to correct an early mistake.
And could people please stop with the "It's great for Replay Value" [censored]? No, it's not. Radiant Story is great for Replay Value. The sheer number of possible character types to make is great for replay value. And yet, Skyrim is one of those games that doesn't even need any replay value: If anything, it, like Oblivion, is best to play no more than 3 times (3 playthroughs is ~ 900 total Hours of gameplay).
In fact, replaying Skyrim devalues the experience, causing the level-scaling, limited randomization of the quests, and lengthy intro-sequence to become more aggravating.