Dear Bethseda - Skyrim Sufferings

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:56 am

I've spent so much time writing essays, I'm probably public enemy no.1 on the Bethseda Apologists list, and frankly, I never have time for my own gripes. So I'm going to inflict my own nitpicks and opinions on this.

1. Chests

Having more locked chests in caves does not increase the value of a lockpicking skill. You have so many, you have been forced to make lockpicking too easy. The solution would have been to start removing nonsensical chests. You don't need a locked chest every 10 metres with rubbish inside.

Where are all the keys? Seriously. Keep the chests, thats fine, if its low level stuff like Leeks, and Tomatos.. maybe a few gold, nothing special.. you don't need a lock. However loot should be leveled in accordance to the lock. If the chest has a Master lock, someone went through a lot of effort to buy a chest with the best locks money can buy. Its only sensible that its got a big pile of gold inside. It should torment you that you can't get in, so much so that, you may WANT to increase lockpicking. Bring back the lock spells too.

Also, drop the mini-game.. really. Its kinda neat, and almost fun.. but you kinda stuck it in, then got scared because it'd be too hard for those that don't specifically train to pick locks making the skill less cool, so you made the game so easy that even master is doable with maybe 10 picks at low level if you are careful.

Stop being afraid that players will cry if they can't have what they want straight away, because Skyrim should have taught you, they cry harder when they can have what they want straight away.

2. Climbing

Really.. you have a land full of mountains.. it never occurred to you that a lot of players look at a winding path and think.. pfft, I'm going straight up.... strafe..hop..strafe..hop..strafe...hop.

A game, full of mountains, and not one option to climb sensibly? I love rock climbing in the game, but I have to work very hard to imagine I really am climbing.. strafe..hop..strafe..hop.

Heavy climbing shoes, pickaxes.. takes up weight in your inventory if you want to lug them around, but lets you slowly..climb inclined hills, not vertical ones, or near vertical.. so some strategy is involved.

You could even stick in some hidden places only reachable by climbing.. options!

EDIT: I should point out that it should be quicker to take the winding path.. so as not to break the game by avoiding encounters on the way up a long path to a plot relevant place. More .. it could be avoided if you want.. but its the slow way round.

3. Favourite - Combo Items

Would it have been impossible to let me favourite several items in a "profile" of favourites. So I can switch from sword and shield to dual casting with less fuss. Lets take it a stage further.. could you favourite some clothing too? I switch to conjuration cast.. and you know what, when I do that, I also want to stick my magic conjuration ring on at the same time too. Even better... I could quickly switch to some regular clothes when I go for a drink and a meal.. taking off all that armour is a real pain :)

4. Hit locations

Maybe I'm stupid, but I don't see any difference hitting an armoured thug with no helmet in the head, as opposed to the body. I know we've only recently gotten away from skillchecks for hitting things that visually seemed weird, and maybe it would be a programming nightmare. But if they don't have armour on their head... that arror stuck through their eye.... should really.. reallly hurt more than the one in their steel clad foot. You have great potential for boss battles too.. "aim for the head"... even dragons "they have a soft spot" etc.

5. Restrict the Content..a little please

I love that you have this mentality that everybody should be able to go anywhere from the start. But would it kill you to have a few more places reachable only through use of an advanced skill? Being able to breath underwater is cool and all.. but without anything worth staying underwater for.. its a toy and nothing less. Once again, god forbid you restrict access to some game content because you lack the skill to use it.

Just a few mostly underwater caves, that would really have blown people away you know.. stuff that an argonian can smugly think "I'm the only one who could have got this, arf arf". Maybe a tomb where the door is magically sealed and has to be hit with an immense amount of magic damage before it breaks down, it repairs itself fast, so low level spells could never get through. And maybe a few, not necessarily all, but a couple of doors/chests that simply refuse to be attempted without the relevant perk in lockpicking.

These are the things that I would have liked to see, or criticisms of why these would be bad ideas?
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Jack Moves
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