There is a serious problem with dual wielding and using hot keys that I believe needs to be addressed by Bethesda. If you have two stock (non sharpened, and/or non enchanted) weapons, and press the hotkey number associated with it, 1 for example, twice will allow your character to dual wield said weapons. If however, you sharpen or enchant both weapons, it prevents them from stacking and presents a problem when trying to dual wield. If you assign the weapons to two separate hotkeys, 1 and 2 for example, pressing 1 will equip one weapon to the right hand, and pressing 2 will equip the second weapon to the right hand. So if you have sharpened or enchanted weapons, the only way to dual wield in combat, is to constantly go in and out of the favorite menu and manually assign each weapon to the left or right hand. This is incredibly tedious and not at all convenient.
I can offer two solutions:
1. Resolve the stacking problem. Is there a way to *force* similar items to stack? I imagine a steel dagger sharpened at smithing level 19 is going to be slightly different than one sharpened at level 20, but for the sake of dual wielding, can it be forced to stack as long as it has the same title or similar stats? Same goes for enchantments.
2. Set left and right hands for one hotkey. For example, #1 is Sparks Left and Sword Right. #2 Heal Left and Sword right. #3 Dagger Left Dagger Right. WHOAH. Dual wielding problem SOLVED! Seriously though, how did this get past QA?