Azura would disagree with you. There is also a place in Skyrim where you can mine your own Soul Gems. Cool isn't it.
Nevertheless I still don't get the gripe with item recharge. It's a relaxed version of Oblivion's system and very easy to keep everything powered with just a single item in your inventory.
the reason id like to see to see recharge gone is for two reasons
1. Id rather revert bact to The Morrowind system where enchantments recharged over time
maybe i grew up thinking of magic swords infinitely magical.
2. because i think it would increase the rarity of enchanted weapons and armor.
I cant stand walking into a dungeon fighting bandits, just to get to the leader
and have him have a Nice enchanted axe or sword or something...
andi think to my self these are small time bandits how did he get that?