I am in Whiterun, having just bought potions from Arcadia's when I am walking back to Breezehome when I hear a girl's voice cry, "Ugh...a dead body!. I looked down, and I see Ulfberth War-Bear lying dead at the foot of the steps to the Drunkard Hunter. I reload the game two more times, and each time Ulfberth War-Bear is dead. I am able to search the character and gain keys to both his home and his shop. (This character has a home? Strange. I can't find it.) The passing guard pays no heed to the dead man. I go to the shop, and I get a message saying that the door is locked and I need to be an adept lockbreaker to open the door. It is 12:00 pm. Of course, I open the shop with the key. The counter is left unattended. I then speak to his wife who shows no concern that her husband is lying dead in the street, and doesn't inquire about his well-being. She is very willing to sell me products, and tell me about the city. I then purchase the iron and steel ingots to improve the dead man's armor and weapons, which I then sell back to the widow. Is this a bug, or is this a random event? (In Fallout 3, when a character dies unexpectedly, as what happen in Megaton, it was chalked up to a bug.)