Crysis 2 - Making off

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:40 pm

Crytek guy: Say guys don't you think it's time we made a sequel to that awesome game Crysis?
Crytek guy2: Yes! That’s a great idea! Let’s do what we did with Crysis 1 and use all new technology and blow peoples’ minds!
Crytek guy: Great idea…we will make it bigger and better!

(Couple of months pass)

Crytek guy: Wow this DX11 stuff is complicated, and the game looks good without it, so let’s ditch the DX11?
Crytek guy2: Yae…no one will notice.

(More months pass)

Crytek guy: The game is finally ready for shipping!
Crytek guy2: Yae, there are a couple of bugs but we will have a better idea of what’s causing them when consumers get their hands on the game, I think people are getting impatient.
Crytek guy: Yae, our game is playable so let’s ship it!

(Hate speech hits forums)

Crytek guy: Well people noticed DX11 is not there.
Crytek guy2: Yae…who knew?
Crytek guy: We'll lie about it and tell them it isn’t ready yet and call the boys back we got some programming to do!
Crytek guy2: Wait! We need money to fund this DX11 project, I already blew the money we made from sales of the game on my shiny new car.
Crytek guy: Ok let’s make a DLC!
Crytek guy2: Yes! That’s a great idea! We can use maps from the campaign to save time!

(DLC one is released)

Crytek guy: Fuc|< That didn’t work.
Crytek guy2: Yip, our community is smaller and our fan base is dwindling.
Crytek guy: People clearly want a new weapon!
Crytek guy2: Yes a ne w weapon!

(DLC2 is born)

Crytek guy: Wow there are like 20 people playing this game at the moment.
Crytek guy2: Wow, where did they all go?
Crytek guy: I dunno?
Crytek guy2: At least I have my shiny new car.
Crytek guy: Don’t forget the sales from CryEngine 3 licenses!
Crytek guy2: Yae this was a great success!
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Doniesha World
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:32 am

such a pointless post. Do u have any attention in Real world? i mean srsly people whine when they need attention and i see that youre doing the same. They said like a year ago Crysis 2 will have DX11 and will blow our minds. They announced it officialy that its coming as a patch. About 5 days ago they showed off features of it in Cryss 2. DX11 was shown at E3. Rumors are all around us whispering "DX11 and SDK are coming very very soon". Adam aproved himself that DX11 and SDK are coming VERY SOON(tm). So whats the big idea? Can u play MP? Ofc u can but no u gotta whine because no1 in MP isnt bothering about u and u probably get raqed in every match. Jesus christ get over it. They **** up the start but theyre doing a great job at getting back on their feet! i love it even more then on the start because they imrpoved a lot their Anti cheat software and they fixed lots of stuff. DX11 is coming very soon so be paitent a little more. Btw the reason why Crysis 2 doesnt have so many players in MP is because LOTS of people are enjoying themselves in SP. This game is more popular then u think.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:30 pm

such a pointless post. Do u have any attention in Real world? i mean srsly people whine when they need attention and i see that youre doing the same. They said like a year ago Crysis 2 will have DX11 and will blow our minds. They announced it officialy that its coming as a patch. About 5 days ago they showed off features of it in Cryss 2. DX11 was shown at E3. Rumors are all around us whispering "DX11 and SDK are coming very very soon". Adam aproved himself that DX11 and SDK are coming VERY SOON(tm). So whats the big idea? Can u play MP? Ofc u can but no u gotta whine because no1 in MP isnt bothering about u and u probably get raqed in every match. Jesus christ get over it. They **** up the start but theyre doing a great job at getting back on their feet! i love it even more then on the start because they imrpoved a lot their Anti cheat software and they fixed lots of stuff. DX11 is coming very soon so be paitent a little more. Btw the reason why Crysis 2 doesnt have so many players in MP is because LOTS of people are enjoying themselves in SP. This game is more popular then u think. it's not..."VERY SOON" doesn't cut it. CoD, Battlefield, StarCraft these games have large fan bases. These games have people playing 24/7 and are loved by thousands. BTW if everyone is playing SP why are there no SP DLC's, why are there only mp DLC's? Yae dude get a clue...I loved this game, but Crytek are killing it...there are so few servers and now they are deviding the fanbase even more with these DLC's. I agree that the SP is amazing...but there is soo much they have done to screw this up and with a tiny MP community I find myself playing games like Battlefield and CoD (I honestly would rather play Crysis 2 but a server with 5 people in it is lame)
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