Good topic, Stefnuts, and I got a laundry list to add to this thread! I'm currently doing some Oblivion dungeon diving with Lady Saga tonight, so a few things come to mind.
Hotkey system. OMG, it's so much better tahn Sky's Favorites. Yes, we can have a much longer list of things to put into Favorites (as opposed to "just" 8 hotkeys on PS3 or Xbox) but the Hotkey system is so much more convenient, so far as gameplay and immersion goes. With Favorites, the game is constantly pausing and unpausing as we can only hotkey 2 favorites at a time. :facepalm:
I would also agree with
repairable weapons & armor although I
do sincerely think this will make a comeback via DLC or updates, though. I jsut have a feeling it will. And after it does, Bethesda will just sit back and

because this will have shut up like 25% of their complainers right there.
ATTRIBUTES!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang: Skyrim is still an RPG without these (despite what "they" say), but it's
not quite as much of an RPG without stats being posted up on the ol' spreadsheet. :nono: I'm an old-fashioned pen & paper numbers girl, and am definately missing this.
darker dungeons. I use the exact same setting on my TV for dungeons in both Cyrodiil and Skyrim. Cyrodii's dungeons may be simpler, they may not have as much detail,
but they have more areas that are pitch-black, which means you NEED some sort of a light source or nightvision to see where you're going. This is one thing I'm not seeing as often in Skyrim. Oblivion wins here. :thumbsup:
You're gonna get a LOT of "spellmaking" in this thread. I'm personally not missing this at all, although I haven't made a pure mage character yet, so possibly I may in the future. But this is another thing I have a feeling about. It'll get re-introduced via DLC or updates, simply because spellmaking is the #1 thing people complain about in the Sky forums. :rolleyes:
You're gonna get a few "Oblivion had unmatched armor sets" I'm sure, too, but I don't miss this as much. The reason Skyrim has such a longer draw distance and more NPC's are able to fit into the game at one time is because Beth removed curias/greaves.
basically, If I had a choice between unmatched armor or more NPC's, I'm going for more NPC's. :yes:
Oblivion has better facial customization. AGain, this may have something to do with fitting more NPC's on-screen. Check out Lady Saga in my profile pic. I spent like 2 hours creating her and afterwards I could go YES! Got her!

With my latest Skyrim character (Claire Voyance) I did notice there aren't as many finer options for facial features.
Again, if this is a compromise for having more NPC's on screen, I guess I'm choose the more NPC's.
Actually scary dungeons......Skryim underground caverns ALL the time gets old after 2 seconds
Monsters consistently chasing out players OUTSIDE of dungeon instances of Oblivion......Skyrim monsters stop after you flee from the mouth of a cave....WTH?
ha, I like your name, Stefnuts.
I'm with Skyrim on this one, actually. The monsters and NPCs don't chase us because that's their home turf. Know what I mean? It's where their gold is, it's where their comfort zone is, why would they chase us and possibly put themselves into a bad situation?
Plus, Cyrodiil's monsters/NPC's didn't
always chase us outside. I've done a lot of dungeon diving, I know this. Most of the time, they chase us, but there are a few times they don't.