I looked up into the sky to view my foe, and recognized it (HUD indicated) as a blood dragon! I have heard stories (read on these forums) about the ferocity and viciousness of these beasts. I did drink of my cold potion then, as I prepared for battle.
Vorstag, as brave a companion as one could wish, had already engaged the beast. His natural Nord resilience to cold, combined with the shield I enchanted for him, protected him well from the dragon's icy breath. He stood toe to toe with it, trading blows, teeth and claw versus steel.
I came around the side of the giant beast, and threw volley after volley of fire into its flank. Throughout, however, the dragon continued to focus his attention on Vorstag, who held his ground strong. Shortly after it began, the fight was over, and the dragon was dead.
I rushed over to heal my companion, but he was mostly unscathed, and I was completely unharmed.
"So much for the ferocious Blood Dragons!" I said. We laughed, and Vorstag caught his breath while I looted the corpse of valuable bones and scales.